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Scarlett POV.

Dear Rico, he still doesn't give a shit about me.

Dear Rico, I wish you were here.

Dear Rico, forgive me.

It was easier with you here.

Dear Rico, I'm sorry.

I listened religiously as my dad spewed excuses in the phone like thick blackened tar hardening as time drifted by. The déjà vu of his blasphemous voice made my skin go rigid and cold. Drained of the sunlight, my melanin now resembled the grey ash of a dormant volcano. The more his lies clawed themselves into my brain, the harder my skin became. Like lava turned rock over thousands of years, I almost felt it crack. I held his presence in my life above my wellbeing, and maybe that was my first mistake. And now here I was, gripping my phone like a statue buried 6 feet beneath the ground.

"You piss me off y'know that dad" I spat into the phone, hands shaking, teeth grinding, seeing red through my fiery eyes. The rock burns up again, sinking deeper into the soil as it melts everything around it. My mouth becomes a makeshift volcano, hell-bent on ending my father's pleasant civilisation."You said you'd be here!"

I was stranded at school; he was supposed to be taking me to watch a movie today. It was presumptuous to think it wasn't some half ass'd lie this time. But I had a habit of doing that. Of believing lies for the sake of peace. For the sake of my mind and my sanity. It was already getting dark out, the summer sun had grown tired of waiting for him too and Candy had left me here assuming he would be here soon. She had to watch Dee today.

"I know sweetheart, but things got in the way-" He said. 

"Yeah, 'cause things always just appear when you have to see me. Be honest, for once in your life; you don't wanna see me — you don't have to fucking lie every time!"

"Language Scar" he scolded.

"Are you even listening to me!" I huffed "Do you even care, dad!"

"Of course I do sweetheart, daddy just has to work a lot. I love you from the moon and back but not all of us are your mother you know. I can't afford to just leave work when I want to."

"At least she shows interest in my life!" Tears leaked from my eyes "If you just- If you just put me as a priority for once you would know that I- fuck it. You know what just fuck it! You are the one said you wanted to be a part of my life again-"

"I know sweetheart, but now just isn't a good time. I'm trying, I am, but I have a lot going on right now"

"And I don't?" The volcano erupts so loudly I can barely breathe as words spew from my mouth. It's hard enough being a dominant when the only dominant you need in your life is an asshole. "You know what? I am done having to fight for your attention all the time. I'm starting to get why mom left you for Darnell, I mean yeah he's a dick but at least he's here."

"Scar, I-"

"Leave me alone, David. I know whatever you plan to say is some kind of silly, overused excuse so just save it. I don't need another unreliable person in my life right now, so just stay away from me."

"I'm so sorry, baby girl."

"Me too, dad. Me too"

"I'll make it up to you, I promise"

"Don't waste your time, it seems precious to you and your job... I'm gonna go now. Bye." I hung up tiredly. I wiped the tears from my face, refusing to let my Walmart edition father mess my day up. 

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