22. After.

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Scarlett POV.

After I forced myself out of bed at 5 am, I trudged out my bedroom and towards the room where Jules slept. It was still dark out, as if the day had not gotten the hint to start yet. As if the sun didn't want to be awake yet, but let's be honest, who did on a Wednesday? 

Jules lay beneath a large pile of blankets, his head semi-buried in a mass pillows and he'd wrapped himself around the largest one holding it tightly to his body as if to be sure it wouldn't run away. He was a sight for sore eyes as he slept soundly. His gown had detached itself from him, somehow managing to grace the farthest corner of the room. His light snoring and inconsistent mumbling filled the space between us in the most beautiful way possible. I almost didn't want to wake him up, but we had to get ready for school.

"Jules it's time to wake up" I whispered as I made my way onto the bed. The boy stirred, hugging onto the pillow more tightly as he mumbled something.

"Jules" I groaned as I shook him.

"Nooo. Mommy." He whined as he rolled over.

"Jules you gotta wake up" I laughed as I began to pull the blankets off of him. He groaned as his eyes slowly opened. He looked around the room with a confused, tired expression plastered to his face.

My breathing stilled, eyeing the boy in a way that wasn't favourable to time. Jules had a way of doing that to me. And it's funny - all he really had to do was breathe funny, blink too much — sigh. I would notice. And I would always stare. I wondered if this was simply the territory that came with being the centre of the universe. I wondered if it was cause he was mine.

"What?" He asked nervously as he shifted, covering himself with the comforter beneath him.

"You're beautiful, y'know that"

"Thank you" He blushed deeply, "So are you."

"Thank you, bunny. Now get up"

"Do I have to?" He yawned sleepily as he latched his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him.

"Yes you do, because we have to get to school," I told him as I lay a kiss onto his forehead. "Candy's coming to pick me up which means you gotta leave early, so she doesn't see you,"

Jules groaned in annoyance as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

"How's your ass?" I asked as I recalled one last night. I wanted to be sure he hadn't bruised.

"Fine. It still hurts a little, but I think I can manage" He huffed as he let go of me.

"Lemme see," I told him as I hopped off of him. 

Jules rolled over to his stomach, and I yanked the blanket off of him. He was still reddish, but at least he wasn't showing any signs of bruising.

"Be careful today" I muttered as I placed a kiss on his backside again, making the boy bury his face into the pillows.

"Yes, momma" he muffled. 

"Good. Take a shower and get dressed, we gotta hurry" I said as I launched myself out of the bed. "On that topic do you have any clothes to wear?" I asked as I noticed he hadn't brought a backpack.

"No... I'll just wear the ones I had on last night" He shrugged as he sat up from the bed as well.

"How would you feel about leaving some clothes here, seeing as though you'll be here quite often?" Asked him nervously "I'll clear some cupboard space for you"

"Really?" he asked, shocked.

"Yeah... We can even go shopping for some new things if you like"

"Uh, sure..." he blushed. "I'd like that"

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