27. Reckless.

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Scarlett POV.

After doing mostly nothing at home for a while, I decided to get ready. My fit consisted of an oversized black t-shirt with a band I honestly knew nothing of printed to its front. I wore some red thigh highs too and finally I threw on a denim Jacket just to top it all off. I let my hair out, letting its it cloud like form seem to float in the air, the kinky-curly fringe falling onto my face. My hair had grown so much, and I hadn't really noticed till now. I put on red lipstick and some makeup, and when I was done I simply stared. I mean, I knew this wasn't a major thing, but it had been a while since I dolled myself up or went out at all. I hated doing it. And usually I didn't really have a reason to look this way. After Rico-

Jules was my reason now. I wanted to shock him tonight, to drive him to the brink of absolute madness. I loved seeing him like that and tonight I was gonna make him my toy.

It wasn't long before I was standing in front of Orlando's house. It was a pleasant middle-class house, covered in warm oranges and bright yellows. It was funny. It was almost enough to convince a person that his home was merry and happy, but this was a small town — we all knew about his dad leaving and his mom hardly having any time to spare for their little family. I guess that's why he had so many parties, to make the house feel less empty. But we never talk about that kinda shit.

We'd dated once. Orlando and I, I mean. Once upon a time when I was still hellbent on forcing myself into submission. He was my dominant and I, his submissive. He was pretty much my first everything but love.

Orlando seemed happy, but then again from an external view, we all did. And that's all Astonville really cared about — external views — how you looked to the people around you. That's why Jules and I are in this mess in the first place right?

The house was practically spinning. Spewing out masses of high and drunk teenagers. The smoke was so thick you could hardly see the people inside. The multi-coloured lights made it all look pretty, though. Pretty enough to ignore the drinking and the drugs and all the reckless damaged bodies that spent the night grinding into each other like a pack of horny bastards. Which they were. Horny I mean, I can't say much about them being bastards. It didn't matter that the smoking would catch up one day or that the drinking could potentially kill them. Nothing, at all, mattered. And I have this twisted notion that that was the point.

Still, I walked into the house, pulling the door open only to be bombarded by the smell of weed. I walked around aimlessly, squeezing through the dancing people in search for Candy or Dante or Jules. I kept walking. And then I spotted him, in a group of people, his false grin momentarily fading into the familiar scowl of boredom  as people, friends, laughed and spoke to him about things that didn't seem to matter. He said something and the group around him started laughing.

Jules' eyes skimmed around the room. He stopped when his eyes found me. A grin slid onto his face. He said something to his friends, then he got up to greet me.

"Hey" He said as he got closer to me.

"Hey" I replied, playfully.

"Y-you came" he stated.

"My sub just happened to be worth my time" I smiled at him. The boy smiled cutely at me. "Besides, I couldn't pass up the marginal possibility to dance with you"

"Marginal?" He asked, cocking his head to the side as the bright lights wove over him. I'd admit he looked like the best kind of dream. The kind in which I could just have him, where we weren't worrying what people thought or if they saw us at all. "You think I'd pass up an opportunity to dance with you? Never."

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