21. Punishment: Part 2

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Scarlett POV.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Mhm," he croaked.

"Use your words for mommy," I asked, nervously. I worried that I may have hurt him, I want to know that he was really okay.

"I'm fine mommy, I'm just really sore" He replied lightly as he began to snuggle in my stomach, ready to fall asleep right there and then.

"You took that really well. I'm so proud of you, bunny" I whispered to him. "You're my good boy"

"But let her touch you again, Jules. I dare you" I huffed as I watched him squirm in my lap. "Next time I won't be this kind" He stopped moving, shocked in a daze as he stared up at me.

"I... I understand, " He stuttered as he tried to keep his eyes trained to me. His eyes were slowly going back to the way they usually were. He stared up at me in awe and I found it adorable.

"Can I have a kiss, Momma?" He asked. Without hesitation, I lay my lips against his own. Every ounce of jealousy I had left melted away.

"I never want to see her lips on you again" I mumbled against his lips.

"Okay momma" he replied as he lay there drowsily.

"Jules? No, you can't sleep here we have to go put some cream on so it doesn't bruise" I commented.

"What if I want it to bruise?" He asked mischievously.

"Do wanna go back to school walking like a constipated duck?" I told him, "If so just say the word and I won't object"

"Fine," he giggled as he rolled over for me to get up.

"Wait here, I'll be right back" I headed to one of the cabinets, finding some soothing cream and a black silk dressing gown. I went back over to him, where he lay half-awake.

"Hey! Jules no sleeping. Roll over." I instructed, he did as I'd requested, rolling over and laying flat on his stomach. I grinned at the red handprints left behind. I rubbed the cream over his behind, trying my best not to hurt him whilst doing it. When I finished, I lay a kiss where I'd spanked him.

"Hey!" He said as he shot wide awake.

"What?" I laughed "My ass, my rules. You should get used to it, I don't plan on stopping anytime soon."

"Mommy?" The boy whispered nervously as he looked around the room.

"Yes, Jules?" I asked.

"Are you going to use all of this on me?" He asked nervously, intimidated by all the toys and equipment surrounding us.

"Nothing you haven't given me consent for" I replied. "Why?"

"Just curious," he muttered.

"Do you want me to?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He whispered quickly. I pecked his lips again, enjoying how sweet he was.

"Can you get up?" I asked him as I held the gown open for him.

"I think so" he sat up, wincing slightly as he did. He got up, standing on wobbly legs. He used to me as a support as he regained his balance. I helped him into the gown and tied it up. I grabbed his hand and lead him out of the pink room, I locked the door behind me and lead the boy to where he'd sleep.

He played with my fingers as he stumbled behind me, still lightly sniffing the tears away. When we arrived to the guest bedroom that was near to mine opened the door for him to enter. Jules crawled onto the bed, snuggling into all the big pillows, making me burst into laughter.

"The other half of your punishment is a 2 paged essay about what you did wrong, how sorry you are and how you will make it up to me. You have until the end of the week to complete it" I told him as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Yes Mommy" He grunted as he dozed off.

"Good. Get some rest Jules, I'll see you tomorrow" I told him as I got off of the bed.

"Wait, you aren't sleeping with me?" He whined as he shot wide awake again.

"No, I'm not," I told him.

"But... Why?" He croaked as he bolted up, wincing as his butt made contact with the bed.

"Because I need to make sure you have the incentive to break up with Jenna" I commented honestly.

"But... But I'll stay away from her, I promise." He told me, stuttering as he tried to rationalise it.

"I know you will, but I need to be sure," I told him as headed for the door.

Jules jumped off the bed, bolting to the door before I could get there and holding it shut.

"N-no!" He yelled as if he was trying to be dominant yet failing miserably "You aren't leaving!"

I raised my brow, amused at his attempts to order me around.

"Jules—" He bolted towards me, picking me up and running to the bed and trapping me underneath his weight. "Jules!"

"You aren't leaving!" He growled as he buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"Yes, I am," I told him.

"No!" He yelled again. He placed his lips onto my collarbone, working his way up to the soft part of my neck as his hands dragged across my small frame. His fingernails dug into my thighs, resting just beneath my butt. I moaned out as he pressed himself into me, letting me feel his cock pressed up against my shorts. "I'll make you feel good if you stay, momma" He whispered as he trembled lightly.

"Jules!" The attempt at reprimanding him came out as more of a moan. He... lost it. Jules placed his lips against my own, kissing ravenously and moaning into my mouth. He ground into me, over my shorts. His legs entangle with mine as he grabbed onto me, he wrapped his arms around my neck, falling to his side as he tried to wrap his legs around me too.


"Please mommy, don't go" He moaned as he sped his movement.

"Jules, that's enough!" I used my dominant tone. The boy gasped, freezing his actions immediately.

He scrambled to get off of me, fixing the robe and his hair meticulously as he tried to process his actions.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry — I just... I just really don't want you to go... I... I just... P-please stay... I can't sleep when you aren't there" He begged as he crawled back towards me.

"No, Jules. It's the only way you'll learn — I have to be more strict with you or you might do this again" I told him as I slid off of the bed.

"Fuck" he collapsed, burying his face into the pillows. I heard him sniffing again, so I knew he was crying again. Subs cried more often than I thought.

I sighed. Almost second-guessing myself, I also couldn't sleep without him, but I knew this was probably for the best.

"Goodnight Jules" I whispered as left.

"Goodnight Mommy" He quietly replied as if to let me know he'd be fine.

With that, I left, closing the door behind me and heading over to my room down the hall.

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