23. Be my plug.

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Scarlett POV.

(Warning: there will be butt stuff. If you aren't into that, go to the next chapter. xoxo)

I lay on my bed. Bored beyond comprehension. Annoyed at my lack of company. Frustrated as I was forced to wait for Jules to call me. He had to go some football camp-tour-thing- whatever it was — I was butt hurt not because not only was he gone, but because he'd be gone for two weeks. Yep. Two whole fucken weeks. And so here I was stranded and irritable and wallowing in my own self-pity because I knew I was doomed. I mean, look at me! I was slowly becoming the epitome of the needy, lovey-dovey, "no, I love you more" kind of teenager. That couldn't have been healthy, right? I didn't care though. I just wanted him to come back. Did I mention he only left this morning and that I still have 13 days to wait till he gets back?

Anyway, here I was. Staring at the ceiling as if something entertaining would just appear from the oxygen. I was slowly being consumed by boredom, and it was becoming almost painful.

I couldn't call Candy to come over because she was worse than me. Candy was a semi murderous blubbering mess last I spoke to her about the whole ordeal. She told me she and Dante had a fight about it, that she wasn't taking it very well;  that she wanted to be alone, so that was off the table.

I couldn't talk to my mom, she was probably busy. I would shoot myself in the face before I spoke to Darnell. My dad wouldn't answer me if I tried. Youtube was boring. The internet was boring. I wasn't in the mood to watch a movie and I hated TV shows except a select few which I'd already watched. I wasn't in the mood for anything but Jules' company.

My eyes slowly began to shut as sleep intoxicated me, luring me into her adulterous arms. Lulling me to sleep as the world around me got so comfortably warm. The calm silence of 2am beginning to sink in.

My phone started ringing. Like a toddler at the mention of sweets, I bolted awake, irresponsibly yanking the phone from its charger.

I grinned maniacally at the sight of the name "Bunny_Jules" clouded in heart emojis that glared on the screen. I switched my bedside lamp on and answered the call.

Jules' beautiful face lit up the screen and I couldn't hide the sappy grin that melted into my cheeks. His hair was damp as if he'd just left the shower. He looked like he was still wearing a towel. His face was semi-buried in pillows. Eyes glowing with a pretty, warm shimmer of silver flakes.

"Hey, mommy," He said, smiling brightly.

"Jules," I said as I struggled to think. "I already miss you so much... is that crazy?"

"I miss you too, mommy" He blushed, scrunching up his nose in the most adorable way possible.

"You're so pretty, Jules. I'm so glad you're mine" I told him truthfully.

"Mommy!" He whined, giggling as he fully buried his face into his pillows.

"What?" I laughed.

"Don't say things like that" He mumbled, unable to look at the phone.

"No thanks. I like seeing you blush" I told him, making him groan in annoyance. "So, tell me about your day"

"Okay" he murmured as he lifted his face from its hiding place. "So firstly most of the doms here seem to be bitching about their subs the whole time, it's hilarious — "

I looked away from the phone.

"Wow, that's crazy..." I laughed nervously.

"You too!?"

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