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1 week later

I was on my way to lunch when I saw Tobias and the guys chatting amongst themselves in the hallway.

"Hey Tobias, the jacket is done."

He turned around to look at me as I held the jacket out towards him and I could tell by the look on his face that he was amazed.

"Wow! Dude you did an amazing job. Thank you so much!" He pulled me into a hug.

"Awh how cute."
The blond one, who's name I've now learned is Linde, teased.

Tobias turned around and flipped him off, earning a laugh from the others.

"So you going to lunch?" Tobias turned back to me.

"Yeah, I was planning on it. Why?"

"Well me and the guys were gonna skip the rest of the day. You wanna come with?"

"Hm, sure it's just one time anyway." I shrugged.

He smiled and gestured for me to follow him.

We walked out of the building and towards the parking lot to Linde's car. There were six of us so we all kind of had to squeeze into a car that only seated five people.

We ended up driving to this ditch that seemed to be a hang out of some sort.

There was another group of people already there.

We got off the car and the group followed Linde to greet the others that were there.

"Hey Sid, what's up?" The two shook hands.

"Hey, I see a new face. Who's this?" Sid looked over at me.

"I'm (Y/N)" I shook his hand.

"Yeah, she's just moved here." Max, a shorter, brown haired boy, informed him.

"Oh nice, welcome."


The majority of the time spent there was just sitting around smoking cigarettes and having conversations, mostly about music.

Tobias had barley spoken to the others and seemed to be more interested in having conversations with me about bands we both enjoyed.

"Hey Tobias!" Sid called out.

"Yeah, man?" He looked over towards him.

"So are you two together?"

"Oh she's not my girlfriend, she's a friend."

"Oh so not together but are gonna get together. Gotcha." Sid teased and gave us a thumbs up to which Tobias and I just awkwardly chuckled.

Next to Sid sat a girl who was staring me down with furrowed brows and almost a frown.

I decided to ignore it and directed my attention back to Tobias.


As we all got up and were leaving, on our way to the car Linde pulled me aside.

"Hey, I know that girl was giving you some nasty looks and I want to let you know not to take it personally. That's Sarah, she's got a thing for Tobias but he doesn't give her the time of day. So I guess since she saw the attention he was giving you, she's probably not too fond of you." He explained.

"Oh yeah I was wondering what was up with that. Well okay, thanks for the heads up man."

"Of course."

We both walked back to the car and once again squeezed inside the vehicle.

Tobias was seemingly in good spirits, he was laughing amongst the group and then turned to look at me with a sweet smile on his face.

"What'd you and Linde talk about?" He asked.

"Your mom!" Linde shouted from the drivers seat, earning a chuckle from Tobias.


When Linde dropped me off at my house, Tobias hugged me goodbye receiving a bunch of "Awh"s from the others.

It's Always Been You (Tobias Forge)Where stories live. Discover now