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As I walked in the house, I was greeted by my dad whom was sitting at the table in the dining room.

"Hey (y/n), can you come here for a second?" He called.

"Yeah dad, what's up?" I asked, peaking my head into the dining room.

He gestured for me to take a seat and I did so.

"Did you have fun today?"


"Okay, good" he cleared his throat "Well uh, my job has been sending me off to Gothenburg and Stockholm as of late; which you know. But..."

"But?" I raised an eyebrow.

"They think I'll see greater success in London."

"Oh, so you'll have to fly back and forth from Sweden to the UK all of the time?"

"Not exactly..."

My eyes widened as I realized where this was going.

"We're... We're moving to London?"

He nodded.

"But what about my friends? What about Tobias? I can't just leave, this is the first place I've come to where I've ever had any friends." I began to feel tears form in my eyes.

"I'm sorry (y/n), I knew this news would upset you but there's nothing I can do. I have to do what the company tells me to do."

I sighed "It's okay dad, it's not your fault." I said as I stood up "how long until we leave?"

"Two weeks. In the mean time you can spend as much time with your friends as you want."

I nodded and thanked him before going off to my room.
I laid in my bed thinking about how I'd be leaving and how I'd probably never see this place again, or my friends, or Tobias. How was I going to tell them? Eventually I was able to fall asleep at the late hours of the night.


I woke up the next morning and got dressed for school, then waited for Tobias to come pick me up. Once I heard his car honk from outside, I left the house as fast as I could.

"Hey babe" he greeted me with a kiss on the cheek as I entered the car.

"Hey" I smiled at him.

His happy expression turned to concern "You okay? You look like you didn't get much sleep last night."

"Yeah I'm fine, just stayed up watching T.V."

"Oh okay well, you ready to go?"

"Actually Tobbe, could we maybe not go to school today?"

"Oh okay sure, what do you wanna do?"

"I've never really gotten to look around here before, do you think you could show me around?"

"Of course" he gave me a warm smile before he began to drive "I have a few ideas of where we can go."
And with that, we were off.


Tobias and I ended up driving around the city. We spent hours together and it was honestly one of my favorite days. He was now taking me home and I suddenly felt my heart sink as I was hit with the reminder that this was one of the last times I was spending with Tobias. I decided I would tell him today, it's better to just tell him now instead of waiting.

When we arrived at my house, Tobias parked out front but before he got out of the car I stopped him.

"Can I tell you something?"

He looked at me with nervous eyes and he nodded "of course" he probably saw my own expression, which I imagine was anything but assuring.

"Well, my dad and I had a talk last night and there's some news... I don't know how to tell you this" I felt tears threatening to spill "so, uhm, I only have two more weeks to spend with you, because his job wants him to move to London."

The look on Tobias's face was one I feared. He stared at me in what looked like shock and sadness all in one, he looked hurt.

"I'm so sorry, Tobbe." I leaned over the seat and hugged him.

We stayed in the car for a bit and just held each other, all while crying and talking about how much we'd miss each other.

When we finally decided that I should get home, Tobias walked me to my porch. He told me he loved me and gave me a hug and a kiss goodnight and it was one of the tightest hugs and sweetest kisses he had ever given me.

A/N: This story is an emotional rollercoaster, I'm sorry.

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