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The following week I decided to return to school, it's not like I could stay home forever. When I got there I was informed by Alex that Tobias had started dating Sarah, which neither him nor the guys could understand why. But it did make sense as to why he was at the movies with her the other night. Apparently Tobias hadn't spoken to the guys since the last time he and I had spoke.

For the majority of the day I was able to avoid seeing Tobias in the hall until after school when I saw him walking hand in hand with Sarah. They didn't see me but seeing him made me realize how 'not awkward' I felt. Thus, I decided that I was being silly trying to avoid Tobias. Just because we weren't talking anymore, didn't mean things had to be weird between us.

The rest of the week things went on as normal, I hung out with the guys as usual and went to the ditch. Of course Tobias was there with Sarah but it didn't bother me. Although, it did seem to bother Sarah who was shooting me displeased glances here and there. Everytime she talked, Tobias looked very uninterested and almost bored. I sort of felt bad for her, but maybe Tobias just wasn't feeling well and his rudeness was unintentional.

On one of the occasions where I happened to look in his direction, he was staring at me. When he saw me notice, he cracked a smile and gestured a small wave. I waved back but then turned my attention back to Linde who was seated next to me. When I looked back at Tobias for a second, I could see Sarah silently scolding Tobias about something, though he didn't appear to be phased.

The following day we didn't go to the ditch for once and actually stayed a full day in school. I know, shocking right?

During my last class of the day, I headed out to use the restroom. While I made my way down the hall, I noticed a couple making out by the lockers. Normally I would walk passed them like nothing, but the girl was very familiar. It was Sarah and the guy she was kissing was most certainly not Tobias. Nonetheless, the two didn't notice me and continued on with their make out session.

As I walked away I couldn't help but feel bad for Tobias. How could someone do such a thing to someone as sweet as him? For someone who really had a thing for Tobias, Sarah sure was taking him for granted.

A/N: Not the greatest chapter I've written but, next chapter...

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