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Another week had passed and Tobias still hadn't talked to any of us. Although I had began to spend more time with Markus, I couldn't help but miss Tobias.

It was Friday again, school had just let out and I had to walk home which I was dreading because it was raining heavily.

I stepped out of the building and into the cold, wet outside. As I began my walk home, the freezing droplets of rain stung my cheeks as the strong wind roughly blew them at my face.

Half way into my journey home, the wind began to pick up tremendously; blowing back my umbrella and turning it into a flimsy mess. The rain had also started to pour harder, which I didn't think was possible until now.

That's when I heard a car horn from behind me. I turned around and was relieved to see it was a familiar vehicle.
Through the droplets on the windshield I was able to see the person gesturing for me to hurry and get in.

"Dude you are a life saver." I said while shivering.

"Are you okay?" Tobias looked over at me with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just cold and wet."

"Here." He took off his jacket and put it over me "Why didn't you ask me to take you home?"

"Well the way you've been acting towards us, I didn't think you'd be willing to give me a ride." I admitted.

He furrowed his brows "It's raining cats and dogs right now, why would I say no to getting you home safely?"

I didn't know what to say so I just looked down at my lap and stayed silent.

"Well I should get you home then, huh?" He sighed.


When we arrived at my house we waited in the car until the rain let up a bit. Before I exited the car I looked over at Tobias and said "I miss you."

His facial expression softened up as he said "I miss you too."

"Bye Tobias."

"Bye (y/n)" I heard him say in a hushed tone before I closed the car door.

The monday that followed seemed to be another average day, that was until lunch time hit.

Two hands went over my eyes followed by the words "guess who."

I turned around with the biggest smile I could conjure up.


"Hey (n/n)" he hugged me. (A/N: N/N=Nickname)

"Are you back?"

He nodded gleefully.

"Dude I missed you! Come on, let's go to lunch the guys are waiting for us."

Tobias seemed to be back to his old self and it was as if he had never left. We were back to making jokes and laughing together. The group had really missed him and you could tell that he missed us as well.


I was in my room, listening to some cassettes when the phone on my bedside table rang.


"Hey (y/n), it's Markus."

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"Uh nothing much but... I wanted to asked if you wanted to go see a movie on friday. Are you up for it?"

"Yeah sure, that'd be cool."

"Great! It's a date."

It's Always Been You (Tobias Forge)Where stories live. Discover now