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Friday rolled around which meant that I had my date with Markus today.

"Hey, you still up for tonight?" Markus asked as we exited the school.

"Yeah, what time are we going?"

"I'll pick you up at 7?"

"Sounds good, see ya then."

After Markus walked away I began my usual walk home. Before I left the campus, Tobias stopped me.

"Hey (y/n), did you need a ride home today?"

"Well I'd always prefer a ride over a walk, so sure." I smiled.

On the short ride home it was mostly silent, which was odd and unlike us.

We were at a stop sign when I managed to try and break the tension.

"Are you feeling okay To-"

"(Y/n) you can't go on that date with Markus."

"What? Why not?" His response caught me off gaurd.

"Because... He's..."

"Go on"

"He's just... (Y/n) you're my friend, why can't you just listen to me?!" Tobias shouted but sounded as if he really tried not to.

"Dude what is your problem?! Why are you freaking out like this? Do you have something against Markus?"

"I do! But..."

"What is it?"

"I can't tell you..."

"Again with 'I can't tell you'." I shook my head "you know, you're my best friend and best friend's don't keep things from each other. Especially when it involves someone that the other person is going out with." I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"What are you doing?" His tone had changed to a rather sad sounding one.

"I'll walk from here, thank you for the ride." I said as I opened the door and got up from the seat.

"(Y/n) wait." Tobias pleaded and he looked as though he was almost on the verge of tears "Jag älskar dig."

"When are you gonna tell me what that means?" I sighed.

He looked down at the steering wheel and stayed silent for a moment and then said "I don't know" with a heavy sigh as if trying to recover from almost crying.

I sighed and sat back in the car and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for getting upset with you Tobbe, just know that I still care about you and your well being." I hugged him.

"...get out."


"Get out of my car, (y/n)." He said, his tone not changing from his sadden one from earlier.

"Okay" I did as I was told then walked the rest of the way home.

Had I ruined our friendship?
I guess I was over reacting when I got out of the car. Why did I do that? I was over dramatic and now Tobias probably hates me.

As much as I tried to push those thoughts away while I got ready for my date with Markus, I couldn't.

Eventually the clock hit 7 and Markus showed up right on the dot.

We got in his car and made our way to the movie theater that was near by.

When we arrived, there were two lines at the box office. Both with a fair group of people waiting to purchase their tickets. But there was one person that I recognized with out a second look.

Tobias was waiting in the next line and he wasn't alone. He was standing there with Sarah, although he still looked a bit unphased at everything around him.

I shrugged off my confused state and focused back on Markus and the line, which was now moving.

I wasn't sure what movie Markus chose and to be honest, I wasn't even following the plot. I was too busy thinking about why Tobias was acting so strange and then all to be at the movies with someone he claimed he did not care for. But why did I care? He's my best friend and I care about his well being. That's all.

Towards the end of the movie, something one of the characters said caught my attention "Jag älskar dig... jag är kär i dig."

Those words sounded too familiar to ignore.

I whispered over to Markus "What did he say?"

"I think he said 'I love you, I'm in love with you' he just confessed his love to her."

My eyes widened as the realization had hit me.

A/N: Another cliff hanger oof

Don't hate me ;-;

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