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A/N: Have you guys ever seen the "What's In My Bag?" Video with Ghost at Amoeba records? Well there's a reference to that in here. So if you're not cool with a slight drug reference then skip the chapter.

Friday rolled around and school had just let out. I was walking home by myself when a familiar vehicle pulled up next to me. The back window rolled down to reveal Tobias.

"Hey, you wanna come to a party at Linde's house tonight? Uh..." He turned around and asked the guys "is Zardoz coming?" He got a "yes" in reply and then turned back to me, waiting for my response.

"Uh, sure. What time?"

"Around 7ish, we'll pick you up then okay?"

I nod and then the window rolled up and the car drove off.


When I got home I was greeted by my dad sitting in the living room watching TV. Today was his day off so luckily he was in a good mood which meant now was a good time to ask him if i could go to Linde's party.

It was pretty easy to get an okay from him as long as I assured him I would be safe and that my friends were trustworthy.


Seven o'clock rolled around and I was sitting on my bed waiting for the guys to show up. A few minutes later I heard the door bell ring.

I walked downstairs to see that my dad had already opened the door.

"Hey (y/n)" Tobias greeted me shyly as my dad looked him over.

"Well, we're gonna head out now dad. I'll see you in a little bit."

"Don't be too late and be careful."

"I know dad." I chuckled before I closed the front door behind us and walked with Tobias to the car.

"You get shot gun, it's just you and me riding this time." Tobias informed me as we reached the car.

We got in and began the ride to Linde's house.

"So your dad seems cool." He let out a nervous laugh.

"Oh yeah, he's just your typical dad. He's pretty cool at times though."

"Ah" he nods.

"So is this your car?" I asked as I was unfamiliar with the vehicle.

"Yeah, I just don't drive it as much since I'm always getting rides from Linde."

After a little more small talk, we made it to Linde's house.

There were people's cars parked in front of the house and a little down the street.

Tobias and I got off the car and I followed him inside the house. I admit I was a little nervous since I had never been to a party before.

I followed Tobias through the house and out to the backyard to meet up with Linde, Max and Alex. (The rest of the group).

We all greeted each other and talked for a few moments before splitting up except for me and Tobias. He and I stayed outside and talked as usual.
That's when a certain question came up.

"Have you ever smoked before?"

"Uh, cigarettes yes, but if you're referring to pot, no."

"Well, do you wanna try it? No pressure of course, it's completely up to you."

I took a moment to think about it. I thought 'It's just marijuana, I've heard good things; how bad could it be?'

"Yeah, I think I wanna try it."

"Are you sure?"


Tobias looked around right quick and then back at me "Alright, follow me. If I take it out here, everyone's gonna want a hit."

We walked back into the house and went upstairs to one of the rooms. Tobias locked the door behind him and then sat beside me on the floor.
He then pulled out a piece of rolled up paper and a lighter. He placed the paper between his lips and then lit it.

"Okay so, it's like a cigarette but I think you should take it easy the first time. Here." He handed it over to me.

The first hit I took was harsh and I coughed really hard, I didn't like it. I shook my head and handed it back to him.

"Here, maybe it'll be easier this way. Don't take what I'm about to do as weird" he took a hit and inhaled "open your mouth" he said while holding his breath.

He leaned in and blew the smoke into my mouth.

"Now inhale." He instructed.

I did as I was told and then blew some smoke back out.

"Was that easier?"

I nodded and gave a thumbs up.

After a few more hits I began to feel the feeling that comes along with the plant. It wasn't crazy like everyone says, it was just calming and I felt rather sleepy.

"So how do you like it?"

"It's a neat experience, I suppose."

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was gonna smoke it with the guys but I thought I'd offer it to you first." He explained.

"Well that was nice of you, but speaking of the guys; why aren't you hanging out with them?"

"They're doing their own thing, plus I find being with you more fun anyway."

"Awh, well thanks Tobbe, I like hanging out with you too." I admitted.

"Tobbe? I like it." He smiled.

Tobias and I ended up talking for another thirty minutes or so before I decided I should start heading home.

As we walked out of the room there were a few people standing in the hallway. Some minding their own business and paying no attention to us, while some were looking directly at us. The people who saw us began to whisper to each other but I didn't think too much of it.

We walked downstairs and said goodbye to the guys before we left and then headed to Tobias's car.

The ride home was over too soon and I kind of didn't want to go home. Tobias had insisted on walking me to my porch and before he left I thanked him for tonight and gave him a friendly hug.

It's Always Been You (Tobias Forge)Where stories live. Discover now