22 (last chapter)

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~20 Years Later~

"Come on, you have to come with me!" My friend Dess whined.

"I don't even listen to them, why should I go?"

"Because you're my best friend and if you don't go with me then... Are you really even my friend?"

"Fine" I chuckled "I'll go. But you're buying me food afterwards."

"You got it!"

We were now on our way to see a band called "Ghost" whom I had never really listened to and the only reason I even heard of them was because Dess always talks about them.

When we arrived at the venue, I could already see the long line from the parking lot. Geez, these guys must be a bigger deal than I thought.

We parked, got out of the car and walked to the back of the line. Since the line was so long it was going around the venue, we were standing a little close to the tour busses. As I happened to glance towards busses, someone catches my eye.

They're a little further away so I can't see them too clearly, but the jacket they're wearing looks rather familiar.
I shrugged it off and turned my attention back to the line which was now moving.


Now finally inside the venue, Dess made sure that we had a spot at the barricade. We saw the opening band, which I thought was actually pretty good. Pretty soon it was time for Ghost to come on.

From what I do know about the band, the "nameless ghouls" as they call them, came out on stage and then the singer, I believe it was Cardinal Emer... Papa Co-? Popia? I don't know.

Anyway, since I didn't really listen to them I was expecting to be bored the whole time; but once the show began, I was going to be proved wrong.

As the singer greeted the audience, at some point it seemed as though he locked eyes with me; then again, it could've been the person next to me or behind me he had been looking at.

A few songs in and they played that song that Dess played in the car on the way here, "Mary On A Cross".

The singer seemed to be looking specifically at me again; but like I said, he could be looking at the person behind me or something.

I shrugged it off for a bit, that was until the band played a song called "Cirice".

During the middle of the song, the heavy instrumental stopped and turned into a ballad of just the keyboard and vocals. The singer walked over to where I was, stood directly in front of me and kneeled down. He reached his hand out to me and Dess screamed at me to take it. I did as I was told.

In that moment I felt like I was in a trance. It felt like everyone else in that room had vanished and it was just he and I. When he finished his lyric, he kissed my hand before letting it go and stepped back.

Through out the rest of the show, he kept eye contact with me here and there.

As we were leaving, Dess wouldn't stop talking about how the singer kept looking at me and how he "Ciriced" me, whatever that means. She interrupted herself as if she had just thought of something.

"Hey, you wanna go wait by the busses and see if we can meet the band? Maybe we can meet Tobias!" She exclaimed.

"Tobias?" I hadn't heard that name in years. Suddenly a wash of tons of old memories came rushing back to me in a matter of seconds, before I was snapped out of it by Dess.

"Yeah, that's the singer's real name." She smiled "come on." She gestured for me to follow her.

We stood by the busses and of course there were a few other people waiting there. I noticed the man signing things was the man I saw earlier before the show. That jacket...

Eventually it was our turn to meet the singer and he greeted us very politely.

"Hey you two, I saw you guys at the front." He smiled "did you have a nice time?" He asked as he signed a CD for Dess.

"We sure did, I had to convince her to come though." Dess nudged me "You see (y/n), I told you it would be fun!"

Tobias stopped signing and looked up at me at the sound of my name.

"(Y/n), (y/n) (l/n)?"

My eyes widened "yeah... Your name is Tobias, I'm guessing Forge?"

A smile appeared on his face "Yeah."

"Wait a minute, you know Tobias Forge and you never told me about this!?" Dess exclaimed.

"It's a long story." I shrugged.

"How have you been?" Tobias asked me.

"I've been good, I take it you're doing well yourself?" I smirked.

"Even better now." He smiled "Listen, I'm gonna be in town for a couple of days before we head out again. Do you wanna, maybe, catch up?"

"Yeah, I'd love to."

"Great, uh" he took my arm and wrote a number on it with the sharpie. "That's my number, give me a call tonight, tomorrow, when ever, as long as it's before I leave."

"For sure" we both stood there and smiled at each other like weirdos for a second. "Well, I'll see you later Tobbe."

"Bye (y/n) and (y/n)'s friend" he waved.

Once we got in the car, Dess looked over at me "So, do you wanna explain?"


The next day I called Tobias, who answered right away.

He invited me to his hotel room to catch up.

When I got there, he opened the door and let me in. We sort of stood there in silence for a moment, just taking everything in.

"So I see you still have the necklace I gave you."

"Yeah, I see you still have the jacket I made you."

"Sorry, can I hug you? It's been so long since I've seen you and I just need to hug you."

"Of course, Tobbe."

We stood there for another while until we pulled apart.

"Okay, now that we got that out of the way, let's chat. How have you been, what have you been up to and where did you go after London?"

We both sat and talked about what was new with our lives and then some old times until Tobias brought up something very sentimental.

"You know, the truth of the matter is, I never let you go." He chuckled as he made a remark to his own song.
"I never stopped thinking about you, (y/n). Not a day went by where I didn't wonder where you were and how you were. You were always on my mind, it's always been you." He admitted.

"I missed you too, Tobbe."

A few seconds of silence passed before we both made eye contact again.



"Will you be mine again?"

"I've always been yours, Tobias." I smirked which caused him to smile.

We embraced in a hug and our lips finally collided as they did once before, and all felt right again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A/N:This story was certainly a rollercoaster of emotions. Thanks to all who have read, voted and commented. The support for this story was pretty rad, thanks for sticking around even when some chapters were frustrating😅🖤

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