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The few days at Tobias's house were quite enjoyable, although we didn't do much. We watched movies and listened to records and that was about it.

Unfortunately, the weekend had come to an end and it was time to go back to school. The day dragged on as usual and I had made it to the last class of the day.

The late bell rang and the teacher entered the class room. She announced that we'd be assigned partners for a class project coming up.

I was paired up with a guy named Markus, whom I had seen around but never spoke to.

"Hello" he greeted in what I think is the nicest tone I had ever heard anyone use "I'm Markus."

"I'm (Y/N)."

He took a seat next to me and we began to discuss the project. While he was talking I noticed his thick German accent.

After we reviewed the assignment, Markus mentioned that we should share a little bit about each other. I learned that he was originally from Germany but he moved here to Linköping 2 years ago and that his favorite genre of music was punk. We ended up chit-chatting until the bell rang and we said our goodbyes.

When I stepped out of the building I was immediately greeted with a hug and being lifted off of the ground by Tobias.

"Hey, I missed you." He smiled shyly, still holding me.

"Okay you two, get a room" Linde joked as he walked up to us "so how was your rrromantic weekend together?"

Tobias and I both laughed at the way Linde rolled his Rs.

"It was nothing of the sort, we just watched movies and I ate all of his food." I joked.

By now Tobias and I were used to people teasing us about dating even though we weren't.

"Okay, sure" Linde rubbed the top of my head "well, I'll see you guys later."

After Linde left, Tobias turned to me.
"So what are you gonna do today?"

"Eh, probably just be at home and sleep or something. You?"

"Probably the same, my days are always boring with out you, (y/n)."

"Oh come on I'm not THAT fun." I smirked.

"But you are." he smiled and we stared at eachother for a moment until I broke us out of it.

"Well, I better get home. Later Tobbe." I hugged him before I left.

"Later (y/n)."


The next day, I was heading over to lunch and was planning to meet up with Tobias and the guys as usual.

Tobias and I saw each other down the hall and began walking towards each other only to have Markus step inbetween us before Tobias and I could meet.

"Hey (y/n)" Markus greeted "you wanna hang out at lunch?"

"Yeah but I was just ab-"

"Hey (y/n), who's this?" Tobias looked over at Markus.

"Tobias this is Markus, Markus Tobias."

"Hello." Markus greeted meanwhile Tobias gave an awkward wave with a look of what I assume was confusion on his face.

"Well I usually hang out with Tobias during lunch, do you wanna join us?"I asked Markus, who nodded happily in response.


During lunch I conversed more with Markus than Tobias, whom for some reason wasn't being very talkative today, which I found quite unusual. I decided I'd ask him about it after lunch was over.

Once the bell rang I said goodbye to Markus and then caught up with Tobias down the hall.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" He shrugged.

"You seemed kind of off today that's all, just checking up."

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Okay well, I'll see you later."

He waved and then walked passed me.

After school I saw Tobias walking down the hallway but he just walked right passed me. I caught up with him to ask him what was up.


He turned around with a blank expression "yeah?"

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes. Can I go now?"

"Oh" I was taken aback by his sudden attitude which he had never displayed in front of me "yeah, sorry."

He rolled his eyes and turned around in the direction he was previously walking.


While I was home, I found myself being rather bored. I was so used to hanging out with Tobias that I noticed how boring my free time was with out him.

What was up with the attitude today though? Was he just in a bad mood? Did something happen? I wasn't sure. Maybe he decided he didn't wanna be friends with me anymore. What ever the case, I just knew that I missed him.

I got up and looked over at the Christian Death record he had bought me that day he took me to the record store. I smiled to myself and put the record on the turntable and then went to lay back down.

The day after the incident with Tobias I approached him again, only to be met with the same rude attitude and eye roll.

I reached out to Linde and Jonas to find out what was going on but Tobias had been giving them the same treatment.

It was now two weeks since Tobias and I had stopped talking. In the mean time I began to hang out with Markus more, thus led to me introducing him to the guys.

Today the group invited Markus to go to the ditch with us. Since Tobias wasn't really talking to any of us anymore there was room for Markus to sit in the car.

When we got there we saw the usual people hanging out there. The only thing different was that Tobias was already there and he was conversing with Sarah, which was pretty shocking to most of us.

But judging by Tobias's facial expression, he did not want to be there; he just looked upset.

His dissatisfied expression seemed to  enhanced when he looked up to see who was walking beside me. He appeared to had said something but since I was a few feet away, all I could do was read his lips. He said something along the lines of "Are you kidding me?"

I then turned my attention to Sid who was asking me about my new friend. I introduced Markus to everyone who wanted to know who he was and then took a seat between him and Alex.

When I looked back over to Tobias's direction, he was gone.

My curiosity got the best of me and I immediately stood up to see if I could still catch up. It was clear that something was wrong but I didn't know what.

Luckily I was able to get to Tobias before he got into his car.

"Tobias!" I called out.


"Look, I know something is wrong and I want to help but I can't do that if you keep dodging me."

He leaned against the hood of his car and let out a sigh "I appreciate that (y/n) but I'd rather not say. It's something stupid anyway, the guys would laugh at me if they knew what was wrong. It's not that big a deal."

"It's been two weeks though, I think it might be at least a little bit of a big deal."

"Well, in other peoples eyes, trust me, it's not. But again, I appreciate it (y/n), Thanks for caring." It looked as though was about to reach out to hug me but then retreated "I'll see you later." With that, he got into his car and left.

It's Always Been You (Tobias Forge)Where stories live. Discover now