Chapter Six (Friendships and secrets)

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Emily held the comic book up in shock she looked at me with an expression I could not read, she  raised her eyebrows a question forming on her lips, "Why do you have a batman comics in your bedroom?"

"I ... uh." I looked at my best friend her expression was one of evil, she was never going let me live this down her jokes would never end. "A friend gave them to me." I shut trying to play it off. 

it didn't work. 

"You have a friend that likes batman?" She winks at me, "That's pathetic."

I do a mock glare. 

"So now I have a friend that's a certified dork!" She jokes, "Oh, I know what I'm getting you for Christmas's,  a t-shirt that says 'I'm a fan girl' Oh and it could be black and yellow for batman!"

I lean back and begin to  massage my temple,  "Shut up."

"Is that quot?"

I cracked a smile at that one.  "you have problems."

"I do." She says, "But you love me anyways. "

"hmm I don't about that. I need to think about it, really think about it." I smile. 

"Your a jerk," she says in her high pitched screech voice then smirks, " And, your such a dork."

"Ha ha, you wish."

"Oh by the way I brought not only your phone I also come baring the give of home work." She smirks.

I groan. "I hate my life."

"No sweetie you love it, your just scared to admit it."

"You got me, life is one big fluffy unicorn."

Emily laughs, "So Carm's I think you should lay off the med's."

I throw a pillow st her.

"This means war." She says as she picks up a pillow and whacks my head with it.

I jump up grab a pillow and retaliate. we hit each other for like ten minutes,  my already mess of a room now looks like one that could be on that show hoarders. Emily's blond hair is frizzy and tangled, who  knows how bad mine looks like, And frankly I'm warn out.

Emily collapses on my bed. I try to run a hand through my hair. "I win!" I say in a victorious  tone.

"Fine, but I'll get you next time." Emily says with a wink.

"Gosh, we're so immature." I say.

"We're young, we're aloud to be 'immature,'" Emily's says, "It's are job."

I roll my eyes at her and change the subject,  "So homework?"

"Oh yeah, There's loads of it." Emily rolls her eyes, "for me," she says in high pitched voice, "Gal it looks  like you got all the good teachers,  you have really little home work." She grabs a book bag I didn't even notice, and guess what it's mine. Emily throws it to me and I look inside a history book and a few sheets of paper lay inside.

"Gee thanks For the homework." I work the sarcasm in my voice perfectly.  "What up with the history book?"

"It's for that test you have Friday."  I  throw my head back and groan. Oh and I'm the one with out a huge load of homework. History has never been a strong subject for me in fact I hate it with all my heart. I look at my best friend and only now do I see what the extant of damage of are pillow fight has done to her hair. It's tangled and frizzy there's actually a strand of hair sticking strait up. "You look like ..." I say trying to think of an animal that looks at horrendous as her hair, I settle on a lion. you know because they have the fur around their necks.  "You look like a lion." I finish. 

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