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[Alec Lightwood]

It's been about 24 hours since I
was sent to jail for being complicit in a group assault.

Jail isn't what seems like.

It's much worse.

When I first arrived, I was assigned
a pair of clothes that I would wear for the rest of my time in jail. It wasn't much to look at and from earlier experiences, orange really isn't my colour.

I was also assigned a cell, which looked pretty much like it does on those cop dramas you can watch
late at night.

If you think that it horrible, it gets much worse.

I also have a roommate.
His name is Simon Lewis and from what I have heard, he's in jail for being part of some street gang
named the Vamps.

He doesn't look very tough though.
Besides from the crappy clothes and the cell that came with a roommate, jail is pretty boring, well, as long as you behave.

If you do something that pisses off the guards, then you'll spend one night in the pit.

I don't know much about it, but the people who have been sent to the pit never comes back the same.

At least that's what I have heard.

We have to leave our cells at 7am in the morning for breakfast, which always looks/smells like puke, and when breakfast over, everyone
leaves for the yard. There's not much to do outside either, especially
since the area isn't very big, but at least we got the time to socialise.
The yard is the only place where
girls and boys can meet.

You see, there is a building that contains all the boys and then there is a building that contains the girls.

The building for the boys is called Ward A and the building for the
girls is called Ward B.

Then there's Ward C, but no one is allowed to go in there, well, except
for the guards of course.

Ward C contains the most dangerous prisoners and to keep them separated from the rest of us, there is a electrified fence between our yard and their yard that is much smaller.

Since I haven't been here for that long, I don't know much about the prisoners that are kept in Ward C,
but there are three names that people keep whispering about.

Raphael Santiago.
Clary Fairchild.
And Magnus Bane.

They are the most feared and dangerous prisoners in all of Ward C and if the rumours are true, I would appreciate if I didn't accidentally run into one of them.

Here's what I know.

Raphael Santiago:
He's 24 years old and was sent to jail about 3 years ago. From what I've heard, he was also a part of the street gang the Vamps, but after his sister died, he went crazy and started to
kill innocent people by draining them on blood and then drinking in.
That's fucking crazy.

Clary Fairchild:
She might look like a princess with her orange curls and beautiful smile, but she's fucking far from a princess. She was sent to jail about a year ago when she killed both her mother, Jocelyn, and her stepfather Luke Garroway.
She's crazy, and that isn't something that the people around here have made up. Clary actually believes that she's some kind of angel with powers that no ordinary human can understand. That is of course not true, but Clary believes it.
If you look closely at her, you can see that she has cut all kinds of runes into her own skin that according to her, gives her powers.

Last of all.

Magnus Bane:
I don't know much about him. No one really does. All I've heard is that he's been here for 5 years already and the reason? He brutally murdered his stepfather.
If you compare Magnus to Raphael Santiago and Clary Fairchild, he doesn't seem dangerous or crazy, at least that's what I thought, well,
until Simon told me the truth.
He's schizophrenic.
That's why Magnus Bane is being locked away in Ward C.
He's unpredictable.
No one knows what he can do next.

That's pretty much it.

As long as I behave and stay away from Ward C, I'll survive my 5 years in prison and then I'll be out.

God, I can't wait.

[To be continued...]

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