Chapter 1

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Jennies POV

I was in my shared dorm, tired from filming for blackpink house, when someone knocked on the door "Come in" I said and the door opened and Lisa walked in. She was probably also tired from filming because as soon as she walked in she flopped on the bed and groaned loudly. I walked up to her bed and flopped next to her. "Hey" I said quietly "Hey" she replied back, sleepily. She then shifted closer too me and hugged my side so we were basically spooning. Now Ill let you in on a little secret, I have a huge crush on Lisa, so obviously I was blushing like mad. After a while, I felt calm breathing on my neck indicating that Lisa had fallen asleep. I slowly got up, trying not to wake her, and I walked out of the room quietly and closed the door. I walked to the kitchen, where Rosé was sat eating some noodles. "Hey Jennie" she said as I opened the fridge to get a bottle of water. "Hey Rosé, where is jisoo? I thought she would be with you?" I asked "Oh she is taking a nap, why you ask?" She replied. "Oh its nothing, she just seemed a bit off today, her face looked paler than usual" I said sounding concerned. "Really?! Is she ok?" Rose asked sounding worried. "I think she will be fine she was probably just tired" I replied back. "Yeah, your probably right"

Lisa's POV
I woke up and felt around the bed to try and find Jennie but no one was there. So I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face, after that I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone. After an hour of scrolling through my Twitter I started to feel hungry, so I got up and walked out of the dorm room to find Jennie and Rose sat talking. "Hey guy's" I greeted "Oh hey Lisa, your finally awake" Jennie said as I walked to the fridge to get some leftover food from yesterday. "So what were you guys talking about?" I asked curiously "We were just talking about Jisoo. She seemed a bit off today" Rose said, answering my question. "Oh, I hope she's doing ok" I said sounding concerned as I ate my food. "I think she will be fine, she is probably just not feeling well" Rose said as she washed her bowl. I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room and plopped my self onto the couch, when Jennie came and sat next to me and rested her head on my shoulder, I felt my cheeks getting hotter as she snuggled into my neck, the thing is, is that I have a big crush on Jennie, but I don't know if she feels the same. I leaned back so we where both comfortable and Jennie snuggled even closer to me. My cheeks were burning at this point but thankfully, Jennie didn't notice as she was too focused on playing with her hand's. I rested my head on hers and Jennie closed her eyes and sighed in contentment as we both drifted off to sleep.

A/N: Hey guys this is my first ever book, so I'm sorry if it was boring or too short, but I will add other POVs and don't worry guys jisoo will be fine the next chapter

P.S. This is a Jenlisa fanfic.

Ok Bye guys :)

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