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                    Third Person POV

Four sets of eyes stared in shock at the screen in front of them.

James Christopher Thompson
Born Augest 10, 2046
Father Nicholas Stephan Thompson
Mother Rebecca Grace Franco

"How did no one know about this?" Clarke asks looking questioningly to her mother.

"She didn't mention anything about having a kid in the journal." Raven says looking away from the screen. "I've read through it, only thing she ever mentions that's not in latin was subject-

"001." Abby says looking briefly horrified. "She tested the serum on her own child."

"How do you know she tested him?" Jackson questions pointing to the screen. "There's no blood anomalies shown here."

"She tested it first on a Male subject, age six years old." She quickly explains going back to the book and flickering through the pages. "Look here, its dated September 27, 2054." She says showing them the journal entry. "James Thompson would've just turned six, it also explains why no anomalies are reported."

"Kayleigh's a direct descendant of the first commander." Clarke thinks to herself, eyes still wide in shock. Shaking her head she asks "How is it possible he survived what happened on station 13?"

"Nicholas Thompson wasn't from 13, he was from Alpha."

"Abby!" Bellamy yells out from the other room, uncaring that Luna was just on the otherside of the door resting, "Get in here!"

Turning sharply Abby leaves the lab, and into the next room to see Kayleigh on the floor, gripping tightly to a garbage can. From behind her, Bellamy kept one arm loosely wrapped around her middle, his other hand holding back her long hair as she was violently throwing up.

"What happened?" Abby questions kneeling down next to the girl. With nothing left to come up she began dryheaving.

"I don't fucking know!" Bellamy snaps at her. "She's barely said two fucking words since we came in here. One minute shes sitting on the bed, the next shes shoving me away from her, going head first to the trash can!"

"Don't touch me." Kayleigh rasps out, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Kayleigh, we're trying-

"I'm fine." She snarls weakly attempting to pull away from Bellamy, but he holds onto her tighter.

"The hell you are." Bellamy snaps back at her, even as he gently helps her back onto the bed. "What the hell was taking so long?"

"I'm just going to check you over and take your vitals." Abby tells her, even as Kayleighs hands clench tightly together and she turns her head away.

"Cliff notes version? Becca expiremented on Kayleighs grandfather when he was just a kid, turning him into a nightblood, which is how her blood is black." Raven says to Bellamy with a bland expression on her face. "Real kicker, he was also Beccas son."

"What?" Bellamy heard every word Raven had said but couldn't believe it.

"Kayleigh's a direct descendant of Becca Franco." Clarke says stepping forward. "Her blood is the key."

"Her blood- No."


"You're not going to fucking use her like that, Clarke. I'll gladly let Asher dissappear with her before that happeneds."

"We don't have a choice!"

"He's right Clarke." Abby says stepping away from Kayleigh.


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