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Kayleigh POV

I didn't know how much time had past since my son had been born.

Days, hours, minutes.

They were all becoming a blur. There wasn't a concept of time anymore, reminding me of how it felt to be in my time being held captive.

My cell.
Mt. Weather.
Now the Ark.

A constant prisoner bound in chains..

Even more so when I was finally able to get up and move around. It didn't matter that the chains weren't physically there, I could feel the shackles tighten with every move I made.

Always under watch...

Those that I cared for became my prison guards.


They never came into the room. Maybe seeing me like this was too much for them. I could only imagine what they saw when they looked at me.
The ugly truth, they tried so hard not to see.

Kayleigh was dead.

There was no denying it anymore.


It was here..

If I was asked how I knew, I wouldn't be able to give a definite answer. It was more than just a feeling, more than just the look my mother was giving me.

Her cold detached eyes were the first thing I remember seeing when I awoke. My hand drifted over to the spot next to me to find empty sheets.

Bell's not here.. Why wasn't he here? He promised he wouldn't leave.

"Go away," I whisper, "You're not real." I add in, closing my eyes tight, hoping when I opened them again she'd be gone.

"Still believing in such foolish things." She questions, and I could feel the venom in her words.

"Why are you here?" I question quietly, opening my eyes knowing how fruitless it was to believe she would go away.

"You know why..." she says after a few moments of saying nothing. Her coal eyes flickering away from mine, to the small crib beside the bed.

No... she wasn't the shadow from my dreams, was she? She wasn't real.

But what if she is?
What if she's really here?
You've felt her cold touch before.

"No!" I snarl, moving to the other side of the bed, quickly scoping Apollo into my arms. "You can't have him. He's mine!"

"I said the same thing, when they came for you, the first time." She says arching a brow, "The question is, are you willing to do what needs to be done?"

I don't answer, just stare back at her while I clutch my baby to my chest. Above the sound of my own breathing, I could hear the sound of boots coming from the hallway.

"Bellamy won't let them take him, he'll keep him safe."

"Like you're father did you?" Her own lips curling into a snarl

"He protected-

"I protected you!" She yells and in a blink she's right in front of us. "Made sacrifices for you!" Her waif hands gripping tightly into my arms, nails digging into my skin. "For you, I became something worse." She continues as the sound comes closer.

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