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Sorry babes it's taking me sooo long to get a new chapter out! I've been suffering from a major writers block- I do have the next chapter ready- it's the following chapter that has been a major bitch!

My mojo seems to slow down at the end of every season because my brain and these characters are throwing things at me for the next book making it difficult to focus on this one. Plus when the real world comes calling- working part time while balancing being a single mom of two super hyper kids- it's hard as fuck to stay focused solely on this.

But that's fixing to change since now I have nothing but time to write. My son came in direct contact with someone who tested positive for Covid and now has to be quarantined for the next 14 days. We all went to be tested just to be on the safe side but reguardless if he tests negative- he won't be allowed back at school for two weeks which means I can't work for the next two weeks(he's 10), so I now have the time to focus on this. I'm hoping to have this book done by January 2021 the latest.

I already know how I'm ending this book. I already have sooo much lined up for s6- yes I will be writing s7.

No I will NOT be 💯 following the show- I'll be honest and say I watched maybe two episodes of the last season and those were the ones focused on the grounder background.

S6 they will be in sanctum- there will be primes- I'm not going anywhere near the anomaly. Like just no. There's no way for me to spin that shit and have it fit for Kayleigh's story. Instead we're going more into the flame and more into grounder history.

We're going to get more backstory of the first commander, of Kikheda and the origin story of Sheidheda cuz that fucker has a huge part in this season. I mean like omg I can't wait! I've had him lined up since his first appearance in the 100 and when I threw my ideas to my beta BellaMeShipper magic happened! Like it was meant to be bevuz of the whole backstory I have on Kikheda and why I started dropping hints in S3 with Asher and Titus- when they spoke of the one before her(Kayleigh).

Okay I need to shut up now before I just tell y'all the entire damn plot and have no surprises left!

I have been questioned whether or not I'll be changed Echos real name Becuz my OC is Asher. I'm not-as of right now. However I was sorely disappointed in her back story. I was expecting something dark and it just wasn't my standered of dark not where I need it to be for her to live in my story. So hers will be posted will trigger earnings and I'm going to leave that at that.

The last and third book is already titled "Beautiful Demons" and the title more than suits for what's going to be going down in s6. I'm going to be doing more free style writing along with the transcripts but it still is going to take time to get those chapters out once I start that book. I refuse to hit publish and give y'all something that going to suck, y'all dersever better than that from me- so this is a process I'm not going to be rushing.
I'm not taking a hiatus but I'm hoping to have at least 2-3 at the most chapters out a month.

For my loyal readers that have stuck with me so far I know y'all are demanding that Kayleigh gets her happily ever after with Bellamy and I promise you she will in the last and final season. Her and Bell are in a rough snag now but they are will always be END GAME! That is the only thing I can promise you aside from there is more heartbreak to come..

Hopefully I can finish this chapter I'm working on now and start the third and I can post the one that's been sitting in draft mode since November🙄 I try to have at least two chapters in draft mode and working on a third before hiring publish.

Until then happy reading, stay safe, and I hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday

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