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                      Bellamy POV

No sooner did we make it into camp, and step out of the rover, Kane was there waiting for us.

"Welcome back." He says in greeting clasping my back, giving Asher a nod.

Before I could say anything however, thunder came and the rain began to fall. Not just rain..

"Black rain."

"Everybody inside!" Kane shouts out

"Black rain!" I shout out to the others outside. "Sound the alarm! This is not a drill! Go inside the Ark!"

While everyone runs to take cover, a small child trips over her own feet, falling to the ground. Before I could reach her, Asher scooped her up into his arms, as black drops fall from the sky, shielding her body with his own.

I ushered in as many people as I could, the drops touching my skin burn unlike anything I'd ever felt before. I look around looking for my girls, calling their names but not seeing either of them.

"Kayleigh!" I shout out but theres no reply. "Octavia!"

"Hey!" I say grabbing ahold of one of the guards, "wheres my sister? Where's Kayleigh?"

"Bellamy!" Harper cries out, turning my attention her, "Kayleigh's still outside!"

"She's what-

Turning to look back outside into the down pour I see a lone figure standing in the distance, head tilted back up towards the sky. My heart fucking stopped at the sight.


Shoving those out of my way, I ran as fast as I could, ignoring the burning pain on my skin. I barely paused, picking her up from where she stood racing back inside with her in my arms.

"Come on, baby," I tell her trying to remove her wet clothing, "we gotta get these off of you."

She doesn't, speak doesn't move. In the end, I end up tearing the fabric of the shirt straight down the middle, quickly peeling the drenched clothing off her body. Without missing a beat, I remove mine as well before turning to the near by barrel of clean water, drenching a rag and begging the process of wiping down her skin. I looked for redness and burn marks only to find none, just the scars that had already decorated her body.

"Nightblood." I breathe out with a sigh. Her blood must've made it possible to the black rain not to burn her like it did me and the others.

Her eyes clash with mine for the barest of moments. Blank, expressionless, empty.

"Where's Octavia?" I question her, and when she still says nothing I turn to Kane instead. "Where's my sister?"

"She's not here." He answers, his eyes flickering over to Kayleigh before going back to me. "She took off hours ago."

"I gotta find her."

"Bellamy, look." He says shaking his head. "We don't know where she went. You just got back, and the Rover doesn't have enough power to go searching through the woods."

"The rain will kill her."

"She's smart. You gotta trust that she found shelter, okay?" Turning away from me he address the others, "Remember the drill? All wet clothing in the designated zone."


"You need to look after Kayleigh right now," he says when Asher approaches putting a dry shirt on Kayleigh, covering her up once more. "Alot's happened since you left, we have to focus on those here now."

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