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                     Kayleigh POV

"Surrender to it... You need to let go." The whisper repeated.

I could feel myself doing just that even though another part of me was rebelling-screaming at me to keep fighting.

But I couldn't, not this, and I fell further.

When I opened my eyes again, I knew on some level something wasn't right, even as both fear and excitement rushed through my veins.

My eyes sprang open and the voices were immediately replaced with a robotic one.

"Brace for impact."

Is all I heard, even as I watched through the glass window of a pod.

What the hell?

I wanted to turn around to look, do something anything- but I had no control over this body.. a body that wasn't mine?

"Come on, come on." The words came out on their own, adrenaline rushing through my veins.

A ship?
I was falling from space?

Minutes, hours- I didn't know how long it was until the rocking and jerking became sharper, harder, before my body was being jolted back into the seat and the sensation of free falling was gone.

"Landing successful."

My heart- her heart pounded furiously behind her chest even as she sucked in big gulps of air.

"I did it." The words came out almost in shock.

Quickly the hands go to the belts securing me in, fingers fumbling as the excitement flowed through, the need to take a step out from the pod, was incredibly overwhelming.

The first thing I noticed as soon as the door was opened was how grey the sky above looked, ashes seemed to fall around. It had been so long since I stood on the ground.

The smell of burnt wood wafering through the air with smoke, was next to take over my senses. Looking away from the sky I look to my surroundings, I nothing but ruins around me.

But that wasn't all.

Within minutes figures started coming out of the ruins, looking weary at the pod- at me.

My body turned on it's own and through the reflection from the glass, I saw who's body I was currently trapt in.

At first I thought I was starting at ALIE, the similarities between the two was uncanny. Thought somehow the flame had put me in another version of the City of Light.

But that wasn't the case, and the longer I stared at the reflection I could see the immediate differences.

Hair pulled back in a pony tail much like Ravens, skin a shade darker than ALIEs, her gaze wasn't blank like ALIE's was but expressive, filled with excitement, as my hands- her hands, began ripping the space suit off.

Another deep breath, and I could feel my lips being pulled into a smile.

"It worked." She breathed out. "I did it."

Becca.. I was Becca, the first commander.

A small group appeared, people that somehow survived the ending of the world. My smile grew wider, as my hands fell and rested on the swell of my stomach.

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