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Guess whose birthday is on this day. Sorry for delaying update as I was busy from yesterday. My house is full of guests and friends as an occasion of my birthday.

Anyway here's the update,


I got up with the same tremendous headache as of my after effects of first kidnap. I don't know what's with the concept of kidnapping me. If it's again done by Nate's men, in the name of saving me, then you would not want to know what will happen to him.

But I can't move my hands and legs as they are tied. If it's done by Nate again then he will not tie me as harshly as they will leave some rope burns, right? And the room too, it is not like normal person's bedroom or apartment room. It's dimly lit and windows are not there to estimate the course of time.

Then it hit my senses, that I'm not kidnapped by Nate, but by some other person. What if it is Brandon's goons? Am I going to die now?

With these thoughts I couldn't help myself except for crying. The sound of my sobbing could be heard from a mile as it's resonating across the room in which I'm kept in. I heard metal clanking sounds through my sobbing, and it's so annoying as it is giving a extra effect to my already existent headache.


It's the time of dinner and I could hear my chef's aka best friend Ryan's plate clanking with a spoon indicating that the dinner is ready. So I kept my things away and began walking towards the table.

As I am passing by the door which leads to basement, I could hear faint sounds of sobbing. So I went that direction and opened the door in which the girl is kept in.

My heart devastated on seeing the girl sobbing. Yeah, it's funny to know, as I can do a lot of dangerous stuff but I can't see a girl suffering. But it's not a big issue as only Ryan know it. He calls me bipolar for this reason and I think he's correct.

As my steps slowly approach her she sees me with teary eyes and scoots back. Then I saw her face and it's somehow oddly familiar. I didn't think much of it and move towards her to take off the rope. She flinched when my hand brushed with hers while untying the rope and she couldn't run as I didn't release her legs.

I stood before her to see her eyes still held fear but not as much as I first saw her. Then I started saying

"Sorry, we have kidnap you but I can promise you that nobody will hurt you. Behave well and after we get what we want from the stupid boyfriend of yours, we will release you"

And then I left the room, locking it. Before I leave the room I saw confusion in her chocolate brown orbs. I can't relate but I can definitely say that I saw them before.


I don't know whether my ears are functioning properly or not. The only reason I can think of now is, as he is CEO of one of the biggest companies present, there may be rivals.

Although the person whom I just saw now seems to be ok, there may be people who are dangerous. What will they to Nate? What actually they want from him? What will they to her if he doesn't-

Someone knocks on the door and opens it. A lady with long hair and almond coloured skin comes in with a food tray. She gently smiles and keeps the tray on the nightstand.

"Don't worry, all will go well. I'm sorry this happened to you but trust me the boss or the top dog here has a soft spot for women, so will not hurt you. Please have this" She said with a smile, gently pushing the tray towards me.

Ok, but about Nate? Will he alright?
This lady knows something so if I befriend her maybe I can know about what's happening with Nate.

As she was about to leave,
"Wh-What's your n-name?" I slowly sputtered out.

"It's Rosie" she said and closed the door.


I know it's short but sorry I was busy the whole day. And a big thanks to you as you guys made this book have 1.24reads.

Keep voting and commenting as they give the motivation for me to continue.


Would you rather be never be able to leave your own country


never be able to fly in an airplane?

💕Well, peace out every one and luv you all💕
Purple you💜💜

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