Chapter 8

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~Timeskip to the next day at lunch~

Peter's P.O.V

"Guys! You won't belive what happend yesterday!" I whisper-yell to Ned and MJ as I sit down at our usual table.

"Let me guess, you realized you need help?" MJ 'asked' looking up from her book.

"Okay, first of all, rude, and no." I say offended. "I fricking met Dr. Freaking Strange!" I whisper-yell then look around to see if anybody heard me, which thankfully no one did.

I then look back at Ned and MJ. Ned's eyes have turned gigantic and it looks like he's about to faint anytime soon. MJ actually looks a bit excited for once.

"How come you met him?"She asked. I told them the whole story about delivering coffee, to getting 'caught' by the cloak, to telling and showing the right answer to the incorrect equation. At this Ned seems to zoom out and is in his own world and MJ just pats my shoulder seemingly happy. We talk for a bit before the school bell rings and we go to our next classes.

~Time Skip to after school~

School had just finished and I was feeling really excited to get back to the internship.

'Maybe I get to deliver coffee to that lab again.' I think to myself as I close my locker. Everyone had already left since I took my time in getting my stuff.

"Oh look! 'Poor, orphan Peter Parker' is all alone." I hear all of a sudden, a couple of meters away from me. 'Of course. Just as I was having kind of a good day, Flash has to come and ruin it...' I think to myself annoyed.

"Oh no! That was mean, I'm soorrryyy Penis. Are you going to run off to mommy? But wait! You can't! because she left you. She must've realized what a pathetic person you are!" Flash taunted making some of his friends laugh.

"Please, just leave me alon-" My sentence got cut off by a punch to the face making me hit my head on the lockers, I hear a crack sound from my nose. 'Shit, he broke my nose'.

"Oh no! I am soooo sorry Parker! Oh no! Watch out!" He said as he started to kick me in the stomach. Then he lifts me up with my hoodie and starts to punch my face.

After some minutes he leaves, leaving me on the floor. I felt my face swell up and I start to stand up with the help of the lockers. I quickly run towards one of the bathrooms to check the damage, and what I was met with in the mirror was something I didn't want to see. A broken, pathetic kid.

I had a big bruise forming on my cheek with a broken nose next to it, thankfully, it wasn't that crooked. I saw the skin around my eye turning a dark purple color, I had a split lip, and some small cuts around my face. But when I pulled up my hoodie, I was meet with huge bruises all around my stomach. I let go of the hoodie and checked my phone for the time. 3:32PM. 'Shit! I'm going to be late!'

I grab my backpack and start to run out of the bathroom and the school, I then run as fast as I can to the subway, making it on the train in the last second. 'I'll be there in around 40 minutes, then it's a 10 minute walk, but probably 5 minutes if I run.'

40 minutes later and I'm sprinting out of the subway and up the streets of Manhattan. I get to the tower 5 minutes later and I check my phone again. 4:16PM. 'Shit!'

I make my way in, hiding my messed up face with my hoodie so no one will question it. I walk through all the security and then make it to the elevator. I step in and say 'Floor 21, please.' just above a whisper. But before the doors close Mr. Happy walks in and I turn away so he can't see my face, he says a floor and the elevator starts to move. My spider sense is telling me he's looking at me so I turn to face him a little so he knows that it's just me.

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