Chapter 10

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Peter's P.O.V

"Help! Someone! Please! Please...I'm...- I'm down here! I...I'm stuck! I can't-... I can't get out! Please!"

I feel my thoat burning up from shouting. My body is getting crushed from the building now laying on me.

"Please... I don't-... I don't want to die..." I choke out, feeling hot tears streaming down my face. The pain is excruciating and I hear bones crack.

Then, all of a sudden, there's a light infront of me. 4 people step out of the light and I immediately recognize them as my parents and my aunt and uncle. They are standing around me. Looking down at me.

"Poor, Orphan Peter Parker is going to die alone. He couldn't save us, so how could he save himeself?" They all said unison. "Poor, worthless, orphan Peter Parker is going to die alone! Poor, worthless, orphan Peter Parker is going to die alone!"

They kept on taunting. Their words grew louder and louder. Stronger and Stronger.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I yell, hoping they would forgive me.

*Beep* *Beep*

"Everyone Poor, worthless, orphan Peter Parker gets close to dies. Friends, family, people he just met." They continue. "You are cursed! Ned, Michelle, Dr. Strange, Iron Man, they are all going to die because you met them! You are going to be all alone."

I couldn't breathe.

*Beep* Beep*

The building was pressing down on me and I had no energy to do anything. I am going to die right here, right now.

"It's your fault! It's your fault! I t  i s  y o u r  f a u l t!" They chanted and I felt how everything around me turned black.




*Beep* *Beep*

I open my eyes quickly and sit up, gasping for air. Sweat is forming on my forehead and I feel tears streaming down my face. I'm on the verge of a panic attack, hyperventilating heavily as I try to stop more tears from falling, which I am unsuccessful in doing. I look around the room I'm in and realize that I'm in my 'bedroom/closet', and not under a huge building, crushing me to death. I take deep breaths and start to calm down. 'Thank god that was just a dream...' It's the same dream I've had since the Toomes incident.

*Beep* *Beep*

I then remember that my alarm is still on, so I look around the room to see where it is so I can turn it off. I look up at the dresser and see my phone there and turn off the alarm.

"Well... time to start the day." I say quietly to myself.

~Timeskip to school lunch~

"Hey Pete- Woah! Peter what happend to your face?" Ned asks worried as I sat down at our lunch table. So basically, this morning, we got out later than 7AM. So I got a beat up and got late to school, and since I don't have any morning classes with Ned or MJ, they hadn't seen my, now messed up, face.

"Oh you... you know... There..umm... there was this bank robbery yesterday... uhh... yeah... and... umm... I may have, kinda got hit in the face... really hard...?" I stutter, not knowing if I was trying to convince them or myself.

"There were no reports of Spider Man yesterday though, and weren't you at your internship the usual time you go patrolling?" MJ said with a suspicious tone.

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