Chapter 15

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Peter's P.O.V

"Michael is dead. And it's because of your fucking Parker's luck! You little piece of Shit!" She screams and throws an empty beer bottle at me. My spidey sense is telling me to move but I don't. It hits me in the head and I start to bleed. Then her words hit me. Mr. Thomas is dead...

"What...- What happend ma'am...?" I ask, trying to hid the pain.

"The building he was in exploded, killing a lot of people."

I felt my blod run cold. There was an explosion? And I wasn't able to save anyone. If I had been patrolling... If I hadn't been at the internship... If only...


...Then maybe I could've saved those innocent people...

I felt the guilt wash over me. But was I sad about Mr. Thomas's death?


That man... No. That monster  was a devil right out of hell. He had even went so far to torture me in the punishment room, the little room with the closet.

I had to clean the table one night around 2 years ago and I had accidentally dropped some plates. He dragged me to the room, took a belt and... You know the rest.

Ms. Thomas didn't like how quiet I was. Not one bit. I was looking at the floor in disbelief, but she probably took it as something else.

"What the fuck are you looking at you little worthless bitch!?" She screamed and I shudder from the volume. She stands up, walk over to me and holds me by my throat.

Then... it begins.

Basically. Long story short. I didn't get much sleep that night. It was a loop of her beating the shit out of me, then passing out and then waking up, like 20-30 minutes later and beating the shit out of me again and again and again. And the worst thing was... That I didn't pass out. I was awake. Felt all the pain. Remembered all the nasty things she said to me. Everything.

I was tired.

I Couldn't move.

I couldn't...- I Can't breath...

I- I hate this... I hate this! I hate this! I hate this! I hate this! I...-




I want a happy life.




At some point, probably around 4AM, Ms. Thomas went up the stairs, probably to Her room after giving me one last beating. I was laying on the floor by the dinner table and I felt sleep creep it's way closer and closer. I closed my eyes but was awoken by the sound of people talking.

"We have to call an ambulance! Look at him. he's practically dead! Or he will die if we don't do something!" I hear a voice whisper-yell.

"...D...on'" I say with all the strength I can muster and I open my eyes to see Allie, Max, and Eli.

"Peter! You're alive! Holy fucking shit." Max says looking down at me, holding a phone in his hand.

"Peter, you are seriously hurt! We can't just leave you here without doing something!" Allie says and she looks to be on the verge of tears.

"I...- I'm... Fine... Just... need... to... rest..." I say, closing my eyes. "A...nd Don't... call please...? I...- I Don't want... anyone... to get involved."

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