Chapter 22

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Peter's P.O.V

I carefully open my eyes and I'm greeted by an unfamiliar ceiling. 'Where am I...?' I look around the room I'm in... and I appear to be in a... med-bay... Am I at the tower?

My head hurts a little and I start to remember...

...The Avengers... They know I'm Spider-Man... I passed out in Mr. Rogers arms. So they took me to the med-bay. Nearly my whole body is covered with bandages, including my head... oh yeah... Mrs. Thomas smashed a bottle against my head... Annnddd I fell from the roof of the warehouse...

At that moment, I realize someone is holding my left hand. I look to my left... and there, on the edge of the bed, Mr. Stark is fast asleep with his head in his arms, holding my hand. It's warm.

I continue to look around the room. There's a big window to my right and through it, the moon shines in. I'm still wearing my suit and it looks like shit at the moment. 'How long have I been out?'

"Friday...?" I carefully whisper, not wanting to wake Mr. Stark.

"Yes Peter?" She whispers back.

"What time is it... and for how long was I out?"

"The time is currently 2:36AM and you've been out for about 23 hours and 15 minutes. You arrived at the tower yesterday around 3:21AM." I go pale. I was out for... nearly a day...? Shit. Wait. If I was gone the whole day... the kids... Fuck...

I carefully sit up, which hurts a bit, and apparently, it was enough to wake Mr. Stark up. I am not ready to talk with him... He groans a bit, then he sits up on his chair and he still looks a little tired. But all of that disappear when he notices I'm awake.

"...Peter...?" I look down at my hands in shame. I can't look at him. Not after what happened.

"...I'm... I'm sorry... Mr. Stark. I am... sorry..." But at that moment, Mr. Starks sits on the edge of the bed and hugs me. I can't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks and he hugs me tighter.

"Peter... you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm sorry for hurting you. I never... I never wanted any of this to happen. Can you forgive me...?" Mr. Stark says and I can hear the pain in his voice.

"...Of course I can forgive you Mr. Stark..."

After a couple of seconds, we break the hug and I can see that Mr. Stark's eyes are a little red and puffy.

"How are you feeling?"

"...I... I mean, aside from the injuries, I feel alright."

"That's good. I should probably get Bruce though. He said he needed to check on you when you woke up." I nod and Mr. Stark leaves the room to get Dr. Banner. I look out the window. You can see a lot of the city and it's calming. The room is quiet and I'm really enjoying it. A smile creeps up on my face.

"You know Peter. Maybe life is in your favor." I mumble and I can't help but chuckle. A couple of minutes later, Mr. Stark returns with Dr. Banner next to him.

"Hi Peter, how are you feeling?" Dr. Banner asks and I give him a small smile.

"Well... Better... than yesterday, at least..." He nods and walk over to me. Dr. Banner quickly checks my injuries and smiles when he sees that most of them are healed.

"This is amazing. Your enhanced healing is really amazing." I look at him a bit surprised.

"How do you know about my enhanced healing Dr. Banner?"

"Oh right...! I took some blood tests yesterday, while you were out, and apparently, half of your DNA is Spider DNA. And while you were out we could see how your body healed itself much faster than a normal human body." He answers with a smile.

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