Chapter 26

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Tony's P.O.V

After Peter met his friend, I guess they went somewhere and Peter took his mask off, so I couldn't really hear what they were talking about.

"Boss. Someone is here to see you." Friday says all of a sudden.

"Who is it?"

And at that moment, the elevator *dinged* and out stepped Fury... The fuck does he want?


"Eye patch. What do want?" I ask annoyed.

"Well... I got some news that you know who Spider-Man is. So I thought I would come for a visit." He says in his usual monotone voice.

"Maybe, maybe not. We know who he is. What do you need with his information anyways?"

"We'll put his info in S.H.I.E.L.D.' s database."

"For gods sake. Leave him alone. I don't think it's good to put him there. There is a reason he didn't tell us anything."

"Then how about you tell me." Fury says coldly. "Or maybe I can meet him, since he's currently on patrol, isn't he?" I stay quiet and the look in his eye is threatening. If I don't say yes, he'll probably do something.

"Spidey! Spidey are you there?" I ask and I see a smirk appear on Fury's face. There's a little muffling on the other side of the line. Then he answers.

"Sorry Mr. Stark. Did you say something?" I let out a small breath

"Oh thank god. I need you back at the tower. There's... someone here... *sigh*... who wants to see you... And keep your mask on when you get here. Alright?" I see Fury raise an eyebrow.

"Alright Mr. Stark."

"Meet you on the roof." I say. Then I end the call and Fury's still smirking.

"I swear. If you do anything to him you are dead."

"You seem to be awfully attached to our little vigilante."

"I have my reasons Fury."

A couple of seconds later Peter lands on the roof. Thankfully he still has his mask on.

"Nick Fury...?!"

Peter's P.O.V

"Nick Fury...?!"

"Ahh... Spider-Man. Nice to finally meet you." Mr. Fury says with a small smirk.


"Well, let's get straight to business, shall we?"

"What might that be?"

"Well, S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to know your identity. And before you say "The Avengers knows", Don't bother. Stark said you had a reason for not going with us peacefully in the beginning. So tell me Spider-Man. What might those reasons be?" Mr. Fury says coldly. I glance over at Mr. Stark for a second. He looks really annoyed. 'Guess Mr. Stark really doesn't like this guy.' I think to myself.

But I take a deep breath and pull my mask off. I see a little surprise enter Mr. Fury's face.

"Huh. So Spider-Man is just a child. Well, that explains some things." Mr. Fury says a little surprised

"And what now?"

"Well, now you give me the info I need, like name, age, address and some other stuff and we'll put you in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s database."

"I would rather avoid having my info in a rather easy hackable base."

"Hackable base you say?" Mr. Fury looks a little sceptical.

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