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3rd P.O.V

Now, you might wonder, "Why this chapter is in 3rd person?" Well don't worry because DeadPool has all the answers.

"You see. Today is no ordinary day. Today is Our Favorite Cinnamon Roll's Birthday! So get comfy and maybe get a glass of whatever you're allowed to drink. And let's dive into this story."

"But First! Let's change that P.O.V to Author DeadPool's P.O.V!" *Deadpool puts on a pair of glasses and opens a big book while sitting in a fancy chair inside what looks to be a mansion with a big fire place*

Author DeadPool's P.O.V

Why thank you! Now! *Ahem* Where was I? Ah! Yes! Petey's Birthday!

It was a nice day outside. The sun was shining and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky! It must've been quite a wonderful day! But not for Peter Parker.

For today was his birthday. A day he always dreaded since his 11th birthday. The day his last 'biological-ish' family member passed away. Peter never really celebrated it since. When he lived in the orphanage, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas didn't care for any birthday and the other children simply didn't know.

So Peter just kept his special day for himself. Not caring that he grew older. Of course his friends still reminded him and tried to give him gifts. And Of course he always accepted their gifts. But he didn't feel like he deserved any of their kindness. He mostly got books or sweets.

But there was a time when he loved his birthday. The thought of celebrating something with his family and getting gifts for merely existing. The thought excited him to no end.

But after his parents passed away, the joy started to drain. His 6th birthday was the first time without the people closest to him. Of course Uncle Ben and Aunt May tried to make life seem brighter than it really was. But then, his uncle was murdered in front of him some weeks after his 9th birthday.

It was at this point, Peter started to believe something was wrong with him. 'Maybe it was his fault that they died' he thought. It was at this point, the expression 'Parker's luck' took its roots.
So when his Aunt passed away, Peter felt no happiness for the day that is suppose to fill every child with glee. He despised the day. He never thought anything of it. It was his cursed day. His unlucky number. The worst day of the year... Well... Except for 'Bring your Parents to school' day.

Yeah... those days really sucked...

So, Peter Parker. Spider-Man. Loved hero... Doesn't celebrate his birthday. That's one heck of an origin story.

But today, all of that would change because little did he know, His family and friends were planning a surprise party for him, hoping to change his mind.


"Happy Birthday Petey~Pie!" Wade says as he pulls Peter into a tight hug.

"O-oh... Umm, Thanks Wade..." Peter says, a little shocked that Wade even knew today was...- Was his birthday. "But... How did you know?"

"Ned told me. He also told me you hate it when people bring it up, so I'm planning on annoying you all day with it." Wade says in a clear joking manner and Peter let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Ha ha... Thanks anyways..." Peter says, not feeling up to it today. Just knowing that today was his birthday put him in a bad mood. But if he had to be reminded more than once by anyone, he would probably break.

"So. Got any plans for today?" Wade asks as they head to first period together.

"No, not really. Since I don't really celebrate, I don't have anything 'extraordinary' planned. Well, except for Patrol."

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