Chapter 13

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I should  probably put a little trigger warning to this chapter since (I think) It's a bit more "disturbing". Maybe, maybe not.

Anyways, Enjoy the chapter!


Peter's P.O.V

The elevator doors opened and a wave of loud noises came flooding our way and I wanted to cover my ears, but that would probably look really suspicious. Mr. Stark walks out of the elevator first, then Dr. Strange and then me, and there in front of me they are.

The Avengers. The people I've look up to since the attack on New York some years ago.

They all turn their heads when they see Mr. Stark and Dr. Strange. But some of them notice me, including Ms. Romanoff. She gives me a reassuring smile and I smile back.

"Tony, who's that?" The Falcon asks confused, making more heads turn.

"Everyone, this is Peter Parker. He's the intern I told you all about. He'll be working with me in the labs everyday, except for the weekends." Mr. Stark says, again, sounding a bit proud. What's with that?

"It's nice to meet you, son. I'm Steve Rogers or Captain America." Mr. Rogers says, holding out a hand for me to shake. I nod and take his hand and shake it, fanboying on the inside. But I have that prefected facade on so no one will probably notice.

"Kid these are the Avengers, but you probably already knew that." Mr. Stark says with a chuckle, to which I nod. "You've got Capsicle, Birdbrain #2, Metal Arm, you've already met Nat and Birdbrain #1, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, living toaster, Midget Man and you've already met Bruce and Stephen. Thor is currently off worlds, so you won't meet him for awhile." Mr. Stark finishes, getting a few complaints from the names the others got called.

Then everyone starts to talk to each other and I just stand there awkwardly, fanboying on the inside. That is, until I feel like someone is watching me. I spot Ms. Maximoff and her eyes are red so I look down at the floor. 'Wait... I think I read somewhere that the Scarlet Witch could read minds... Oh god Pete don't embarrass yourself... Is she still looking...? Oh god she is... Umm... Hi...?' I panic to myself. I look back at her and her face seems to relax and her eyes turns back to their usual color. She gives me a smile, then starts talking with her brother and Mr. Barton.

"Oh yeah! Kid! Didn't you have that homework thingy or something?" Mr. Stark says all of a sudden, I nod and I feel my face turn to light shade of red. "Steve, he had something about... WW2... right?

"Umm... y-yeah..." I stutter, looking down at the ground.

"How about you tell him some things ice cube?" Mr. Stark continued.

"Sure, why not. Maybe Bucky can also tell you some things kid. What do you say Buck?" Mr. Rogers says with a confident tone. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Mr. Barnes nodded.

"Well, then that's settled. How about we have dinner first?" Mr. Stark asks and everyone says "yeah" or "sure". I stay quiet and continue looking down at the floor.

"So, what should we get?"


"No we had that yesterday."


"Now someones talking"


So, they ended up ordering several boxes of chinese food and 15 minutes later the food arrived. During the waiting time everyone spoke to each other and I had some small conversations with Dr. Strange, Mr. Stark, Mr. Rogers and Dr. Banner. They were all very nice.

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