Chapter 38

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Tony's P.O.V

I'm giving the doctor a death glare, but he just continues to smirk and Peter is standing a bit in front of him. But Peter looks a little reluctant, I think our words reached him in some way.

"Now! I believe we'll be going." Dr. Faustus says and I hear a small grunt from Wade.

"What makes you think we'll just let you leave?" Wade asks threatingly.

"Oh! Well of course. *Ahem* Herr Negativ! Would you be so kind and take care of our visitors?" All of a sudden a black and white man walks out from one of the dark corners. It's the same man that took Peter in the first place.

"You! You were the one who kidnapped Peter!" I yell, pointing at him.

"Mr. Stark, haven't you learned it's rude to point at people?" Mr. Negative says with a small smirk.

"And haven't you learned that it's rude to kidnap people and turn them into murderous hitmen?" Wade says and I chuckle a little.

"Well, enough talking. Shall we dance?" Mr. Negative says and he makes two katanas out of thin air.

"I would prefer to rip your head from your body." I say and ready my lasers. "And I believe Wade here would also like that."

"Tony." I hear Stephen say with a dangerous low voice from behind us as the Doctor and Peter starts to make their runaway. "You take on Mr. Negative. The doctor is mine."

"Sure thing hun. Just don't feed him to any weird space beings." Stephen makes a portal and not a second later there's a bright flash from the hallway with the elevator.

Mr. Negative starts to run at me while I'm distracted, but thankfully, Wade gets in his way and they start to duke it out. God, they are really good with sword fighting. Again, I am Never pissing Wade off. Peter you have great taste in people... I think...

Wade gets a hit in and while Mr. Negaive tries to recover quickly, I shoot a laser. But then Mr. Negative shoots out a wave of... some sort of... dark enegry? Power? To be honest, I don't know.

But I know this is going to take awhile.




~Meanwhile in the hallway~

Peter's P.O.V

I thought the little conversation Iron Man, the guy in the red and black suit and Mr. Negative had was kind of hilarious, though if I would've laughed, Dr. Faustus would probably do something.
But the guy, that I heard Iron Man call Wade said that... they kidnapped me...?

What the hell is going on?!

Dr. Faustus is about to head into the elevator, when a bright orange ring appears infront of us and Stephen steps out. He looks pissed. Something in me tells me that it's always a bad idea to make Stephen pissed.

Wait, isn't this the first time I'm meeting him...? Why would I...?

I shake off the Déjà vu feeling and Dr. Faustus grabs my arm and yanks me with him, as he starts running back in the direction of Mr. Negative's fight. But he gets stopped by... Stephen?

I look back at the elevator and Stephen is there. But he's also at the end of the hallway...?

"Let go of my child." Stephen says with a low threating voice and he starts to make his way towards us from both sides. Dr. Faustus lets go of my arm but that high pitch sound returns and this time it's so loud I think I'm going to pass out. I think I heard some scientist say that if I pass out from the sound, I won't have control over my body and be like a lab rat, following orders.

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