Chapter 18

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Peter's P.O.V

The car ride to the cemetery was mostly quiet. I guess they weren't sure if it was appropriate to ask who I was visiting. But otherwise, they would just talk with each other. I wasn't really listening to what they were talking about. I just wanted to get this over with.

Around 30 minutes later, we arrived at the cemetery. Mr. Stark had put on a 'disguise' (*Ahem* sunglasses and a cap) and Dr. Strange... I guess he didn't really need a disguise, but he also wore sunglasses.

We all got out of the car and I hurried off towards Ben's grave. Since I was here, I could also visit May and my parents. I walked past all the old graves until I saw his. Written on it:

"Benjamin Parker" 
"Beloved Husband, Brother and Uncle"

Next to his grave was Aunt May's. On her's, it said:

"May Parker"
"Beloved Wife, Sister and Aunt"

Next to Ben's were my parent's grave stone. They shared one since... Well... I don't really know. Maybe because they died the same way and at, like, the same time? (I have no idea about that stuff so plz don't @ me...). I was standing in front of their graves, when I heard footsteps behind me.

"Kiddo, you can't just run away like tha...- Oh." Mr. Stark was about to lecture me, but he saw the graves and didn't continue with his sentence.

"Are these the people you were planning on visiting?" Dr. Strange asks. I nod and continue looking at the grave stones. We're all quiet for some seconds.

"We'll give you some time to... talk with them, alright? We'll be over there." Mr. Stark says, giving me a warm smile. I thank them and they start to walk around.


"Hey Ben. May. Mom, Dad."

"I'm... sorry I haven't... been visiting you a lot. I just... I've been busy, you know, with life."

"School's going great...! My grades are really good and I have some really good friends and... umm... maybe a crush..." I say and sit down on the grass.

"Life's... good... I suppose. It's nice saving people. Oh Yeah! I got an internship to Stark Industries. I'm actually here with Mr. Stark and Dr. Strange. They're really nice. May. You always said that I would work for Stark Industries one day. Guess you were right...!"




"...I... really miss you..."

"...I hate...- I hate living at the... orphanage..."

"...I... just..." I feel tears start to roll down my cheeks. "...I... really... miss you... and I wish... You were here... All of you..."

I stand up and wipe away a couple tears.

"Happy Birthday Ben. I love you all..."

I continue to stand by their graves but now, Mr. Stark and Dr. Strange has come back and they're standing behind me. All of a sudden, Dr. Strange's hands glow and some flowers appears in his hands. He then levitates them to all the graves. I give him a thankful smile and he smiles back.

We then walk back to the car and start to head back to the tower. Or that's what I thought, because Mr. Stark didn't take the same way back as we came.

"How about we go get some ice cream?" Mr. Stark asks. Dr. Strange says a small "Yeah, sure." and I nod.

About 10 minutes later we're outside (Insert your favorite ice cream shop) and we all stepped out of the car once more. We walked into the shop and looked at the menu. I was probably just going to take a plain vanilla ice cream.

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