Chapter 20

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Peter's P.O.V

I woke up with a terrible pain in my head. Everything felt loud. It was like I was tasting the air...

Shit... I have a sensory overload.

I keep my eyes close. Everything is too bright.

"Why... today..." I mumble so quietly no one would probably be able to hear it. Thankfully (not), my hearing was 'better'... today...

I carefully open my eyes again, regreting it right away, but I don't close them. Instead I pick up my phone and check the time. The phone screen is blinding but I can make out the time. 8AM. Did I really sleep that long...?

I carefully stand up, nearly falling over in the process, but I keep my balance. I change into a blue hoodie, with black jeans and a black t-shirt under. Then I carefully walk towards my door and open it. I look out, checking if Mrs. Thomas is anywhere near. My spidey sense is telling me she's in her bedroom sleeping. She drank a lot yesterday, which probably explains why she was a little more 'angrier' yesterday...

I make my way down the stairs and enter the kitchen. Since all the kids already went to school... Maybe I can... get a little food...? 

I walk over to the fridge and as I open it and wave of smells hits me and I feel like I'm going to puke. I quickly close the fridge door but the torture isn't over. All of a sudden, the strong scent of blood and alcohol hits me and I hurry over to a trash can and puke. The smell of the puke makes it worse and in the end, when I have nothing left to throw up, I quickly run up to my room, nearly falling down the stairs, and lock myself in my room.

I wanna sleep... but if I sleep I won't wake up until the end of the day. And I promised Mr. Stark I would come today. He was even going to send Mr. Happy to pick me up. 

So that's how I spent my morning. Trying to control my senses, which of course... didn't work. I had put an alarm for 10:30AM, so I would know when to get out of the house. 

As the alarm went off, I packed my backpack with everything would need... basically... homework... pens and other stuff... I don't know.

Apparently, Mrs. Thomas was still asleep, so I wobbled down the stairs and out on the sidewalk. New York was really loud... 

I sit down on the the steps up to the orphanage and patiently wait. Around 5 minutes later a slick black car rolles up on the road in front of me and I carefully stand up. Mr. Happy rolles down the window to the passenger seat and looks at me.

"Mr. Parker, you'll sit in the backse...- What happened to your face?" Mr. Happy's voice booms and  I can barely hear what he's saying. But I ignore his question and open the door. Mr. Happy doesn't ask again. As I enter the car and close the door, I feel how every noise from the outside disappears.

"Umm... Mr. Happy? Is this- Is the the car sound proof?" I ask as Mr. Happy starts to drive.

"Yeah. Tony got annoyed with all the noise the paparazzi made. So he made most of his cars sound proof." Mr. Happy says and I nod and look out the window. 

20 minutes later, we're at the tower. I wave goodbye to Mr. Happy, not feeling like talking and then I exit the car. The moment the car door opens, all the sounds of the world hits me again and I just want to cry from the pain, but I keep up my facade.

I walk into the tower and head towards the elevator. As I step in, Friday greets me.

"Hello Peter. Boss is expecting you. He's currently in the lab. Shall I take you up there."

"H-hey Friday... umm... yeah please... do and... could you...umm...please be... a bit quieter...?" I say and I cover my ears lightly.

I don't get a reply so I assume she got the memo. God, my head hurts... I want to close my eyes, but if I do, I'll probably fall asleep.

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