Chapter 9

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Peter's P.O.V

*Beep* *Beep*


*Beep* *Beep*



"What... the...?"

*Beep* *Beep*

"Peter! Oh thank god you're okay!" I hear someone say.

My eyes were closed but I heard beeping sounds from beside me. It feelt like I was laying on something soft, like a... bed...? I try to open my eyes but the room is too bright, so I try to cover my eyes with my hand but I have no energy to do so. 'What's going on...?' I think to myself.

"Friday, lower the brightness to 30%." I hear a voice say, it kinda sounds like... wait. Oh no... Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! I try opening my eyes again and I see Mr. Stark and Dr. Strange sit on two chairs next to the bed I am lying in.

"Mr. Stark...?!" I say surprised.

"The one and only kid. Now, how are you feeling? You kind of fainted on us." He says and looks a little worried. Dr. Strange also looks worried but seems to stay quite calm.

"Oh... umm... I feel... okay, I guess." I answer him feeling my cheeks get warm. 'I can't believe I fainted infront of them.'

"Well, based on the list of injuries Friday told us about, you are not "Okay"" Mr. Stark says seriously.

"O-oh... I... umm..."

"Mind telling us how you got all of these injuries?" Mr. Stark continued. I stayed silent looking down at my hands while getting some of my messy curls in my face. 'Wait, what time is it?! Oh shit! I was probably out for ages and now... now... I'm...' I panic to myself.

"Umm... Mr. Stark, what... what time is it? And for how long was I out...?" I ask him nervously. He looks down at some sort of smart watch on his wrist.

"The time is currently 6:20PM and you were out for about... 30-40 minutes." He answers which makes me calm down a bit. "You end at 7:30PM, right?" He then asks.

"Oh... umm, y-yeah." I answer.

"Hmm, since you're in no working condition, you'll have to stay in bed." Mr. Stark says firmly, but somehow... soft?

"Wait...? But I have to- I'll get fired otherwise." I stutter out.

"Fired? Peter that's something you don't have to worry about. I looked at the papers you wrote down in the lab while you were out." Mr. Stark starts and I feel relieved at the first sentence, but then gets stressed about the papers. 'He's probably going to tell me that they are wrong and I'm going to an even lower level.' I think to myself, freaking out internally. "And they were both correct. They were actually a test. After Stephen showed me what you did yesterday I got impressed. Me and Bruce had just jinxed an answer (Which was kind of close to the answer you wrote) on that equation. So I wanted to test you and you passed." Mr. Stark says and I probably look like I had seen a ghost because my eyes were big and I my mouth hanged open.

"So you'll be getting a new position as my personal intern!" He finishes. I look  at him surprised. 'Is this real? Or is Parker luck messing with me again? How could I, 'poor, worthless, orphan Peter Parker' even get this opportunity? I mean, I'm just Peter. Worthless Peter, who's not speciall in any way...' Without noticing it, tears has started falling down my cheek.

"Woah kid, you okay?" Dr. Strange asks looking worried.

"What...? O-oh! I'm... I'm sorry! I didn't- I didn't even notice! Thank you Mr. Stark, it's just... I'm just surprised you even chose me, of all people." I say looking down at my hands again.

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