Chapter 39

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Tony's P.O.V

After Peter, Wade and Wanda walked through the portal, we made our way back over to where Mr. Negative and Dr. Faustus were locked up in one of the cells. I kind of beat up Mr. Negative, rendering him unconscious and Dr. Faustus... Stephen put him in some kind of time loop. I mean, the doctor is still shaking.

I open the door to one of the cells with the Avengers behind me. Dr. Faustus looks up at me in fear and I chuckle a litte.

"Hun, what did you do?" I ask lightly as Stephen comes up next to me, giving the enemy a death glare.

"I just did my old bargin trick. Except this time, I was Dormammu." Stephen says with a cold chuckle.

"Please...! Spare my life...! I beg of you!" Dr. Faustus says and it's humiliating to see the man that has tortured several people, front of us.

"S.H.I.E.L.D is on it's way. We cleared every floor. You'll be taken in for questioning and then sent to the raft with your... little emo friend here." Steve says and he looks over at Mr. Negative, who is still unconscious.

At that moment several S.H.I.E.L.D agents enter the hallway and hurry to every cell, including the one we put Dr. Faustus and Mr. Negative in.

The agents put special handcuffs on them and then they are escorted out of the base. As the room got filled with more agents, me and the rest of the Avengers made our way out of the base and towards the jet. As we enter the aircraft I see Peter on the med-table and Bruce is examining him, looking for injuries while Wanda is looking inside Peter's mind.

Me and Stephen practically run over to them but Wade stops us. A second later, bruce walks up to us.

"His body is covered with bruises and cuts. His eardrums seem to have been a bit damaged somehow not that long ago. Since Wanda is looking over his mind, I can't tell you how he is mentally though... Oh...! And his right knuckle is bruised and may be broken." Bruce says.

"He tried to punch me but I avoided his attack, making him punch the wall pretty hard." Wade explains.

"Alright... But do you think a loud pitch sound could have caused the damage in the eardrums?" wade asks.

"Could be." bruce simply says. "Is everyone here?"

We make sure everyone is on the jet. Then Bruce walks over to the driver seat and starts the jet. As the jet starts to make it's way back towards New York, I look over at Wanda. She been looking into Peter's mind for quite a while now. Then, all of a sudden, she screams and falls to the floor, making the red aura disappear.

Pietro quickly runs over to her and helps her up. Wanda looks terrified and her breathing is getting hitched. Tears start to fall down her cheeks and she covers her mouth with her hand, trying to muffle her small sobs.

"What's wrong? What did you see?" I ask and she looks over at me, fear showing in her eyes.

"...He..." Her voice is shaky. "They... they made him...- All that... pain..." Wanda can't continue. Instead, she breaks down and falls to the floor again, this time sobbing. Pietro and Clint help her up and take her to another part of the aircraft so she can calm down.

I look over at Stephen and his eyes show fear and worry. Wade is looking in the direction of Peter and I can tell that he's also really worried. I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"He'll...- He's going to be okay..." I say quietly.


"Stark. You and me both know that's a lie." He says with cold, harsh voice.

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