Chapter 16

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Wysteria's P.O.V
I wish I was a butterfly. A butterfly has a short but simple life. A butterfly starts out as a caterpillar, exploring the ground and everything around it, and then the caterpillar takes a nap and becomes a beautiful butterfly. A butterfly is fast and strong, but still delicate and fragile. There are many things that can kill the butterfly, but it can still live a full life if its lucky. I would love to be a butterfly, fluttering in the cool breeze looking down at the people and their busy lives. The life of a butterfly is a short one, but it is lived to the fullest. Alas I am not and cannot be a butterfly, so I shall try to be content with being a supernatural human being.
Being supernatural has its ups and downs to be honest. I can read people's minds and see the colors of their auras. But I can also see the evil in people, even if they don't see it themselves. I can see into the deepest parts of their minds, I can know their biggest secrets, their biggest fears. But seeing all of that can kind of make you go insane.
Everywhere I look in my school I see and hear things I probably shouldn't, but I do because it just comes naturally to me. I can't tell anyone because...well they'd think I was crazy and they would deny all of it. So I'm just stuck with all this knowledge about people I barely know and I can't say anything about it. But maybe that's a good thing. Maybe it's good that I have this knowledge because in a way the person is telling someone which helps them out somehow. There's only a few people that know when I am reading them because I've told them what I am. No one can lie to me because I already know the truth. Sure they can try to hide it from me, but in the end I always find out.
You know I think that having this power is also a good thing for me because knowing what all of these people are going through help me better appreciate what I have. I mean I grew up in a poor neighborhood, and I was even homeless for almost a year, but knowing that some of these kids are still in a tight situation makes me feel lucky. The only downfall is that I want to help, but I can't tell them what I know because well you know. This is why I only tell Bluebell, Kendrick, Griffin, and sometimes Kristen, Alissa, and Natalia because they're the only ones that know about me. And even then Kristen, Alissa, and Natalia only know a fraction compared to the other three. I don't want to scare them into thinking I'm a psycho freak in need of a shrink and medication. I wish that I could tell them everything, but I'm afraid if I do, they will push me away and never speak to me again. I can't let that happen again.
With finals coming up, I need to focus on my grades and I can't do that if I'm worrying about so many other things besides that. I'm worried that Kendrick will never talk to me, worried that most of my friends are becoming depressed, I'm even worried about a random person that I barely even know.
You know the worst part about this is I'm being made fun of too. I'm still being called stupid behind my back. I can tell that there are girls that hate me every time I see them in the halls. One guy laughed at me behind my back when I said the words "far fetched". He said "woah what are we like in the 1800's or something?" I didn't hear about this until the last period of the day but I mean come on dude do you really have to say that behind my back? I mean if you wanted to say it then you should have at least said it to my face. I'm sorry I have better word choices than you. Ugh there are so many jerks at my school it's not even funny. Oh well, at least I have show choir and foods class to keep me happy, plus Kendrick and Bluebell and all of my other friends.

A/N: okay I'm just gonna be honest here: I didn't really want to update. For a LONG TIME. But then I decided that I should because I would be a terrible author if I didn't. So I'm sorry it took this long and I will update VERY soon. Like in a week. Until then stay strong and hope you are having a good week! Love you all!! ❤️

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