Show Me You Love Me

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Naomi's POV

I sat on my bed with an oversized tshirt and a messy bun reading, when a strange sound caught my attention. I was literally home alone, mom and dad working and Jordan and Josh were over at a friends house. Slowly I stood up and looked out my window to see Mena throwing rocks at it. I felt so confused, but signaled for him to go to the front door. Quietly I walked down the stairs and to the front door to unlock it.

I quickly brushed my little side pieces as I opened the door. There stood Mena with a look on his face , a look I'd never seen before.

"Hey." I said to him in a quiet voice.

"Hey, we need to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about Mena, you said what you had to—"

"Please. Just five minutes, you're going to want to hear this. If in the end you don't want to talk anymore I'll leave you alone I promise..." He looked up to me. I could see the pain in his eyes. "Please Nay."

I sighed. "Five minutes."

"Can I come in?"

I signaled for him to get in as I slowly shut the door. "Do you want anything, a water or whatever?"

"Water is good." I poured a cup and handed it to him.

"So what do you want to talk about so desperately that you had to throw a rock at my window at 10:30pm?"

"Could you sit down for a minute?"

I furrowed my brows. "Alright... is everything okay?" I walked closer to him.

"Look Nay first I want to say I'm really sorry I had no idea."

"Sorry for what?"

"I don't know how to even begin explaining how sorry I am."

"Sorry for what Mena, spit out out!"

"Ray is Nina's step brother,I went to pick her up for a date this afternoon and there he was right at the front door." I felt my legs weaken as I sat down next to Mena.

"Her what?" I took in a deep breath. "Gosh this all makes sense, that's why I looked familiar to her, that's why she couldn't stop staring at me." I looked up at Mena. "She knew who I was the entire time didn't she?"

My phone buzzed before he could respond.

"Hey I hope everything's well! Hope to hang out soon!" I smiled to my phone I read the message.

"Who's that?" Mena asked as I turned off my phone.

"It's no one.

"Is it that little soccer player that grabbed your ass the other day at your locker?

I rolled my eyes. "I said it's no one just drop it. Look, the question now is what am I going to do? What are you going to do?"


"Yeah you she's your crazy girlfriend not mine." I stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Mena went after me. "She's not my girlfriend Naomi."

"Then what is she that she looks at me like she wants to kill me?"

"I got the one thing she couldn't have." Mena said to me as he looked me in the eyes and got closer. I could feel myself getting nervous, my breath shaky as he reached for my hand. "Look Naomi, I'm sorry for being a jerk these past weeks, I'm sorry for not wanting to talk and for my outburst the other day. I don't know if I'm late or not but I'd really like to give us a second chance."

I sighed as I took a step back. "Look I forgive you, and I do want to be with you, but it's going to take more than sorry to fix this."

"C'mon Nay don't play hard to get. I've seen you around school, you're different, the way you act, the way you dress, your hair. It's not you."

"So you came over to my house late at night to tell me your crazy girlfriend's brother is after me and that you want me but that you don't like what I look like anymore? Wow a real bachelor." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Like I said she's not my girlfriend, Look I just, I miss you, the real you. The girl who loves eating steak and wearing tracks suits and the girl that rarely wears makeup. Don't change cause of anyone. Specially not for some guy."

I turned my head as I looked back at him. "I cannot believe what I'm hearing."


"I've literally just got to laugh.You're jealous." I rolled my eyes at Mena.

"What, no I'm not, all I said was—"

"You called Scott a jock and said I was dressing for him, and the fact that you notice all that makes you jealous."

Mena's face turned pale. "What? I'm not I'm just saying—"

"Cut the shit you know it's true."

Mena rolled his eyes. "Oh I'm jealous, is that why you glued extensions to your hair and put on a mini skirt to impress me? Or maybe why you went on a date with some jock."

"My decisions don't revolve around you. And that "jock" is a very sweet guy."

"Well mine don't either, I'm not jealous. And if staring at another girls ass is what makes you think a guy is sweet then damn..."

I shook my head. "Is that why you kissed her?"

Mena's expression quickly changed one of guilt. "What? No Naomi, listen to me. You weren't even suppose to see that I—"

"You what Mena? I can't even recognize you anymore and the other day with Jordan, what the hell was that? Where's the Mena I met that day at the coffee shop, wheres the guy that kissed me at the park? Where is the Mena that told me he loved me and that he'd always be there?" I crossed my arms as I approached the door. "I think you should leave."

Mena came closer to me and grabbed my hand, "Naomi look, I know I've been such an asshole," He cupped my face and tucked my hair behind my ear. "But I'm an asshole who's crazy for you. I love you Nay, I want you, I need you and deep inside I know you want me too."

The tension between us grew as his lips got significantly closer to mine. "Oh yeah? And what about her?"

"Forget her. I regret everything, I regret not staying with you, I regret meeting her, I regret it all. And you know what, fine I am jealous. I hated seeing you in that guys arms, I hated seeing him so close to you.Just...give me one chance Nay, and it if you don't want it I'll leave."

My breath trembled as I got closer to him. "Show me you love me then."



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