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Naomi's POV

After everything there wasn't much to do, just watch the kids grow up. And boy did they grow up fast. Before we knew it, the girls were teenagers and little Noah wasn't so little anymore, but whoever said things get easier as they grow up... was lying.

"Mom, I can't find my coat anywhere."

Sighing I kissed Mena good morning and ran to get dressed. I quickly walked out to find the girls arguing. "Hey what's going on?"

"Mia keeps stealing my clothes." Ariel complained.

"I did not, I simply borrowed like she borrowed you wal—"

"Shut up," she interrupted.

"No, you snitch I'll snitch back!"

"Snitch what?" I asked confused.

"Ariel took your credit card to buy herself and Johnny drinks after the football game on Saturday night.

"I did not,"

"That's not what your coat smelled like I put it in the wash,"

Raising my eyebrows at Ariel I extended my hand, "Hand it over, now."

Ariel rolled her eyes and placed the credit card in my hands. "I was going to give it back anyway."

"Yeah right," Mia chuckled.

"Hey, give your sister her coat back and go help your brother get ready for school."


"No buts M, go!"

Groaning she stood up and left the room. Walking closer to Ariel I brushed my hair back, "Okay wait before you say anything, I'm 18 already, why is it such a big deal?"

"Honey, because you know it isn't safe, you know I like Johnny but you've got to be more careful, I don't want you to—" I stopped myself and took a deep breath, "I'd just like to avoid any accidents."

"I'll be fine I promise. I'm sorry for sneaking around but I just wanted to have fun with my friends. I know it sounds scary because of..." she took a pause, we didn't really talk about what happened to me very often, "But I swear I'm very careful. And Johnny isn't much of drinker either." She giggled, "He tried the beer and had to spit it out,"

"Oh, well in that case... thank god?" I giggled back. "Just, try telling me next time before you do something that could get you in trouble."

"I will sorry, and can we please not tell da—"

"Not tell dad what?" Mena walked in and crossed his arms.

"Well, I think thats my cue, don't wanna be late for school." She quickly grabbed her things and kissed me goodbye.

"Ahhh sit down young lady," Mena stopped her before leaving the bedroom. "What happened?" He made eyes at me.

"Well she's grounded for a week but I'll give you the details later."

"Seriously mom?" She pouted.

"I said I forgave you not that you were off the hook,"

Rolling her eyes she walked out as I went up to Mena. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah she's good, just grown up."

Suddenly I felt someone hug my leg, "Mommy can I have chocolate milk?"

Mena laughed, "She's been consistent with that chocolate milk." Smiling I nodded and picked up Emily.

"Remember when they were all babies and all they did was play with dolls and watch cartoons all day?"

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