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Naomi's POV

I grabbed my bag and shut my locker when suddenly I felt a hand touch my back. "Hey, can we talk?" I heard Mena say from behind.

"There's nothing to say." I began walking.

"No, Naomi please. Can we just talk about this?" He followed me outside.

Turning back to him I crossed my arms. "Fine you wanna talk? Talk."

"I...I just need to explain—I mean I can't explain but–" I rolled my eyes at him.

"I don't want to hear you excuse yourself for the billionth time. Like I said before, theres nothing to say right now."

"I just don't get what you want me to tell you."

"I just want the truth Mena. I want to know who you are and who you were and you can't share anything with me. How am I suppose to be with someone I know nothing about?"

"But you do know me, this is me right now. Why can't you trust that?"

"Because you don't trust me. And this right now isn't enough." Out of the blue I heard a horn honk at me. "I've got to go—."

"Naomi wait, please. It's been a week, what does this even mean for us right now?"

"I... I don't know Mena. I'm sorry." I Quickly ran in the car.

"So... pancakes?"

"Jordan!" I felt my face light up. "You're here but how? I thought you came in Sunday!"

"I pulled a few strings." He chuckled as he hugged me back. "So hows things? You seemed a bit... heated, when you got in the car. Everything cool with prince charming over there?"

I sighed. "It's just complicated I guess."

"How come?"

"He won't open up to me Jordy. And after what happened between... us, he's just hesitant to everything. And I get it but like it's been almost two months. I'm really trying to be okay with this but I'm skeptical. What if he's hiding things from me?"

"Wow that's... intense. I mean, he's gotta open up somehow, some day. Have you talked about it?"

"I'm tired of trying to talk about it."

"Ah I see."

"I just don't get it we have these really high points and then we just crash down and I love him a lot but, I just wonder if the hard times are worth it."

"Yeah I get it. How's school though?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's school I guess, Nina still gives me death stares, Nas is usually with Will and Mena and I well, you know so it's pretty boring."

"Only boring people get bored you know?"

"Hey! I'm not boring."

"Then you can't be bored. Like come on what are we going to do now?"

"Like, when we get home?"



"See, boring."

I rolled my eyes at Jordan. "Fine if you're so not boring, come up with something to do right now."

"Way ahead of you, but we're gonna have to turn around."


"Look under your seat." Bending down I saw a ball. "We're playing football."

"You're crazy, it's literally like 40° (7° C) outside.

"That's the best weather to play in!"

"Wait why are you going back to school?"

"Because that's where we're playing. Quick question, are the basketball courts still next to the football field?"


"Just wondering." Jordan said with a smug look. Immediately I knew what he was doing; I strongly slapped him in the arm.

"You're such an asshole, I'm not talking to him Jordy."

"Its the only way you'll figure this shit out."

"Well jokes on you because he might not even be there."

"Are you kidding? It's friday afternoon and the guy is probably fuming with anger, he's most definitely playing." Jordan responded as he pulled up at school once again.

"You know when I asked you to come by this isn't what I meant."

"I know, but you wanted me to help you so here I am helping you. Now hurry on, get out of the car."

"Aren't you coming?"

"No, I'm getting some food, I'm starving."

"You can't be serious you're just leaving me here?" I turned around to look at him as I got out of the car.

"You'll be fine, just call if you need anything." I rolled my eyes at him. "And hey! You got protection?"

" Jesus christ! Please prevent those words from coming out of your mouth, thank you."

"Hey, pregnancies are re—"

"Yes and so is birth control which I'm currently taking, goodbye." I shut the car door but Jordan opened the window.

"Good luck, Chub." He shouted and sped off.

"Whatever." I said to myself and proceeded to walk to the courts. Jordan was right, there he was shooting at the hoop with fuming frustration. As I quietly walked into the court Mena turned back.

"What are you doing here?" He said out of breath.

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. "I came to sort shit out I guess."

"Okay... can we do this somewhere else? I kind of have to be home already.

"Uhm sure." Mena and I took a short walk to his house.

"After you." He let me in first.

"Home alone?"

"Dad's got a short business trip and moms probably home from work soon." He responded. "So... you wanna talk."

"Not exactly, I mean, I don't want to talk because I shouldn't be the one talking. But I suppose I'll have to talk first." I took in a deep breath as I took a step closer to Mena. "You remember when I didn't want to go to therapy because I didn't feel like talking about my feelings? Well I went because you asked me too, I'm trying to better myself because of you. You said I don't open up to anyone but I opened up to you. I thought, I can trust him, because, I get it, he just wants the best for me. What I don't get it is why, you can't recirpocate that with me. I deserve for you to trust me. And you know what? I can't do this, I can't do us if we can't talk to each other. I can't be with you and feel like theres a gap that needs filling, relationships don't work like that. And I need for this to work Mena, I need for us to work because I lo—." I stopped my words as I  felt a knot forming in my throat. "I just need you. So I'm asking you from all that's left in me, to just...sort yourself out, and if afterwards you still can't find it in you to open up to me, then I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore. And who knows maybe everyone else was right, maybe you weren't the one...maybe every bump has been a sign. I really just need you to work on yourself right now okay?" Taking a pause I leaned in closer to him and gave him a soft kiss, "Please don't let this be the last time..." I retrieved my steps.

"What do you mean the last time?" Mena widened his eyes at me.

"I mean, if you can't fix this if... if we can't fix this, then there is no we anymore. I'm sorry."


I know I make so many of you guys cry with these omg I'm sorry. I can't promise the next ones won't do the same though! Prepare the tissues.

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