Have a Talk

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Naomi's POV

I groaned as I heard one of the babies start crying again, "I'll get it," Mena said and got up. I had to admit, despite everything he was the perfect dad. Discreetly I peaked with my left eye to see him as he cradled one of the girls in his arms and gave her a small kiss on the forehead. "That's better,"

After a few minutes I noticed Mena put her down and walk out the door. Grabbing my phone I checked the time, 7:30. Guess it was time to get up. Hopping out of bed I ran to take a quick shower before the girls woke up.

As I was getting out I slipped on my bathrobe and began to towel dry my hair. Suddenly I noticed someone at the door and jumped, "Jesus, Mena you scared me."

He stared at me nervously, this was the closest he'd seen me be undressed since before the pregnancy. "Oh, um, I'm sorry I just— mom made breakfast for you us."

"Alright well I'll be down in a minute,"

"Oh okay," He said not taking his eyes from me.

"Can I help you?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Sorry, Mia's crying a bit so I'll her take downstairs,"

Rushing out of the room with her, he shut the door. In a few minutes I got dressed and headed over to the crib. "I see both my little princesses are awake huh?" I can't believe how big they'd gotten in just three weeks. Time really did just fly by like that. As I got closer to her Ariel widened her big eyes at me. "You make me the happiest mommy in the world,"
Smiling at her I noticed she lightly smiled back. My heart stopped, none of them had ever smiled like that before. Quickly I walked downstairs, "Mena! Look at her!"

He dropped everything he was doing and came running to me, "What what happened? Is she okay?"

His eyes landed on mine as the proximity between us because closer, "Uhh, she just— she was smiling,"

"Oh," he turned to her.

"Come on baby, smile for mommy," I smiled at her. After a few seconds Ariel smiled back.

"Woah," Mena chuckled, "She looks like you when she smiles,"

"Thanks," I said nervously.

"So, breakfast?"

"I can't, I'm meeting with Tiffany this morning,"

"Oh, what for?"

"She said just wanted to have a quick chat, I'm not sure,"

Looking down Mena took in a deep breath, "Nay can we talk about—"

"Mena theres nothing to talk about okay? Like I said three weeks ago, its done..."

"We can do this I can fix this, I—"

"Fix what? The fact that you don't trust me or the fact that—"

"Who doesn't trust who?" Mena's mom startled me as she came into the kitchen.

"Uhh me, myself, with the babies," I smiled nervously. "I mean still a new mommy,"

"Oh sweetheart, you're doing just fine I promise. I'm so sad we have to go so fast,"

"Wait wasn't your flight tonight?" Mena turned his head.

"It was but your father was called into work tomorrow morning so we had to push it up, I'm sorry!"

"Its alright I guess, I'm just going to miss you guys!" He frowned at his mom.

"Oh sweetie we'll be back soon I promise! I can't be away from your three princesses for much time!" His smiled came over to me and smiled. "Take care honey, if you need anything just know I'm a call away,"

"Thank you," I smiled. "Well I've got to go, I'm going to be late, Meen's will you watch Ariel and I'll take Mia?"

"Yeah sure,"

"Perfect, thank you," Quickly I put Mia on my little baby sack, grabbed my keys and my purse. As I went to head out the door Mena's mom called on me, "Nay!"


"Give him a goodbye kiss before I go!" I sighed, his mom loved when we were affectionate, I guess she just liked seeing us happy.

Walking over to Mena, I stood in front of him shut my eyes and gave him a quick kiss, Although my thoughts were all jumped up, my feelings were still the same. His lips on mine genuinely gave me the biggest comfort... pulling back I wiped my mouth with my hands, "Love you, bye" I quickly ran out.

After walking for a few minutes I finally reached the cafe. Tiff stood up and waved, "Hi hun, hi princess! Which one is it?"


"Aw little baby girl, hi!"

"Shes a bit milk drunk from this morning, sorry,"

Tiff giggled, "It's alright, still cute as a button.

"So what's up?"

Tiffany took in a deep breath, "Well Nay we haven't talked about It,"

"No Tiff, don't—"

"No listen Naomi, I love you but now you have to think about what's best for these girls. Are you seriously not willing to try anymore?" I looked down. "I see the way you look at him, the way he looks at you, it just doesn't seem like something you genuinely want to end."

"Look Tiff, I've trusted Mena for years. But I'm done, I can't change him, he can't change me. We don't work, I'm tired if trying and not succeeding... and like you said, now it's all about them. They're my everything, and if I think it's whats best for all of us then I'll walk out."

"But Nay, you've seen how this affects kids, you don't seriously want your babies to grow up without a dad, do you?"

"I don't, he'll still be their dad, but we just won't be together,"

"You guys are happy Nay, these past weeks—"

"These past weeks have been pretend, its all perfect when we pretend. He's happy, the girls happy, his parents are happy but I'm not. I can't pretend my whole life, it's not what I want. I know what its like not to have to pretend... just to feel and be content."

"And you don't feel that way anymore..."

Nodding I felt a tear come out of my eye, "I love him Tiff, I've never loved anyone more in my life. But each time... it just hurts more than the last and it's just not healthy. I've finally reached a point in my life where I can realize that. And if it isn't healthy for me it won't be healthy for my girls."

Tiffany bit his inner lip and looked up at me, "So... what are you going to do?"

Shrugging my shoulders I pulled up Mia and looked into her eyes, "What am I going to do....?"

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