keeping it a secret.

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Becky works out with Charlotte when Alexa steps inside the gym. She walks up to Becky as she sips on a bottle of water

"Hey I saw you with Colby yesterday." Says Alexa.

Becky almost chokes on her water as Charlotte also starts sweating.

"Uh... No I was with..... Ashley.... " Stammers Becky.

"Stop lying I was in the same they're you two were."

Becky laughs nervously unable to answer her.

"Are you two dating?" Asks Alexa.

"WHAT! NO! We're just fans of the movie." Answers Becky.

Alexa looks at Becky with suspicious eyes before going back to her section to start working out.

After Freshening up herself Becky walks out of the shower, Charlotte was blow drying her hair.

"Why don't you tell people you're both dating?" Asks Charlotte.

"We just went for a day out. I cannot just tell people that we're dating." Answers Becky.

"Oh come on! you placed a kiss on his cheeks yesterday."

"He told you!" Shouts Becky.

Charlotte gasps as she realises that she had spoken too much.

"It was just a day out, seriously." Fumes Becky.

"So why are you going out with him again today then?" Teases Charlotte.

Becky sighs in defeat.

"We both love coffee so we decided to hang out you can say."

Charlotte just stares at Becky will evil eyes and a big smile. Becky couldn't help but chuckle at it.

"Okay, we are dating..... I just don't want anyone to know yet. I hope you didn't tell anyone." Says Becky when she sees Charlotte widening her eyes.

"You didn't speak about this to anyone right?" She asks Charlotte.

Charlotte murmurs..

"What was that?" Becky raises an eyebrow.

"Manuel.... " Answers Charlotte as Becky looked horrified.

"It slipped out. I was so excited for our double date."

"Dude, you're unbelievable. If he spreads this to anyone, I will not spare you two." Threatens Becky.

Charlotte just laughs out as she knows that Becky's threat were not real. She just wanted time.

Becky's phone rings, it was Colby. Charlotte gives her the same evil eyes teasing her.

"Hey, I'm coming in two minutes."

Becky heads out for Seth's car when she crosses path with Bayley.

"Where are you going Becks?"

"Going for Coffee with Col- I mean I'm going for coffee by myself. See you later." Becky dashes for Seth's car.

The next few days picture of Seth and Becky were imerging in the internet and it wasn't long before the people of wwe also saw the photos.

Becky and Seth were being surrounded by questions every now and then.

"I heard you two are dating.... Awwwwwwww." Awwed the iiconics in synchronization.

Becky denies and walks away.

"You wouldn't even tell your brother. You really had to hide it?" Fake pouts Roman.

"Joe, I really wanted to tell you but I just didn't know when. I'm really sorry about that." Apologizes Seth.

"Ugh.... Whatever it is, make sure you don't go too wild on her." Chuckles Roman.

"She's the one who goes wild on me." Chuckles Seth.

"But hey please don't say a word about this to anyone yet. I don't want anyone to know about this." Pleads Seth as Roman agrees after teasing him for quiet a while.

Becky is stopped by Sasha and Bayley.

"You took away Seth from us." Says Bayley with folded arms across her chest.

Becky remained silent folding her arms across her own chest.

"You could be at least told us. We're your friends." Adds Sasha.

"Oh Hey Hunter." Shouts Becky waving her hand behind Bayley and Sasha.

The girls turn around finding no one there turn back when they see Becky escaping. She had already been too far from their reach.

Becky reaches Seth's locker room away from the eyes of people. She breathes a sigh of relief as she closes the door behind her. Seth was already there.

"Looks like you've also been questioned a lot as well." Says Seth.

"Already around a dozen people have been questioning me. I'm really tired." Sighs a tired Becky as she sits on the bench laying her head back. Seth sits beside her.

"How long do you want to keep it a secret. We can go out and tell the world." Says Seth.

"I just want a little time before telling Mom and Dad and I don't want them to know about us from the internet but I want to tell them myself." Becky answers. She places a pack of ice on her head trying to calm herself down. Seth sits closer to her and hugs her who also hugs her back. He rubs her head lightly trying to relax her.

"I'm really tired." Says Becky as she closes her eyes.

"You'll be fine. Take some rest now." Says Setg as he holds her head close to his chest. Becky sound fell asleep as Seth simply hold her for the next two hours of her sleep.

To be continued......

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