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"CAN WE... MEET HIM?" Amy turned to Bill who only gave her a cautious look. Sookie laughed at Amy's fascination to see a blonde vampire.

"He's the oldest thing in this bar," Bill then told the two friends who both watched Eric in curiosity as he sat on his throne with a bored facial expression. Amy let out a deep wow as she watched a man kneel in front of Eric though the vampire was barely paying any attention.

The man then touched Eric's knee but to his desperation Eric only used small amount of energy to kick the guy across the bar. Amy suppressed her laughter as she saw Pam whisper something to Eric so the vampire's dark eyes immediately landed on the three people.

Amy widened her eyes as her hand instantly moved up to wave. "Uh, oh,"Bill looked down in annoyance as Sookie looked at him.

"Don't say uh-oh," she exclaimed as Amy turned her eyes away from Eric and to Bill. She really wanted to ask how old Eric was since he was mentioned as the oldest thing in the bar. "Vampires are not supposed to say uh-oh."

"It's Eric. He scanned you twice," he told Sookie as Amy felt disappointed it was Sookie again. She wanted some vampire to show interest too. "He's goin' to summon us."

Amy snickered slightly. "Is he a judge? Can he even do that?" she questioned as Pam and Eric stared directly at them.

Eric then slowly rose his right hand up and motioned to Bill. "Oh yeah," Bill mused as he glanced at Sookie and took her hand.

"Do I have to go?" Amy asked in confusion as to what was happening. Bill was speaking in some vampire terminology. That was, however, helpful to Amy because she wanted to know more and more.

"Yes," Bill said as the three of them left the table. Bill held Sookie's hand as Amy walked behind them.

The couple stopped in front of Eric as Amy almost bumped into Bill but composed herself as Pam watched the brunette female make a fool out of herself. "Bill Compton, it has been a while," Eric spoke in a deep tone causing Amy to try not to smile. She was praying he'd be civil and agree to be her book subject because she already had tons of ideas.

"Yes, well... I've been..."

"Mainstreaming," Eric cut Bill off as he focused on Sookie. "I heard. I see that is..." he looked Sookie up and down and then turned to Amy who tried not to bounce from the excitement. "Going well for you."

Amy thought Eric meant that Bill had not one girl but both so she chuckled and looked down. Bill knew she shouldn't have laughed in front of the Eric Northman. But she was Amy and she didn't know. "Yes, of course. Uh, sorry. Eric, these are my friends..."

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