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BEING IN ERIC'S ARMS MADE AMY FEEL SAFE. They were in a tight situation and yet all she had to do was stay in his arms and hope that they would be able to escape.

Sookie was rushing towards the altar as Eric walked in front, carrying Amy without a problem as Amy looked all the camping stuff people had left behind after they came to see Godric being burned in the sun. She felt sad someone would like to watch a person die.

"Where's the exit?" Eric asked demandingly as Sookie tried to keep up with them.

"Back that way," Sookie pointed but then Steve Newlin appeared by the altar in his white suit which Amy rolled her eyes at.

"There are severals exits, actually," Steve smirked as he walked in the front causing the trio to stop as Eric slowly let go of Amy since he was ready to fight Steve. "For you, the easiest one takes you straight to hell."

Suddenly, several members of FotS entered the room, all from every exit possible, carrying a bunch of silver chains and stakes so Amy groaned and glanced up at Eric's wary face. They looked determined to kill Eric as Sookie snapped her head at Steve. "Let us leave!" she exclaimed as Eric stood close to the girls in case something bad might happen to them. "Save yourselves. No one has to die."

The people then surrounded the 1000-year-old vampire, a telepathic girl and Amy as Steve spread his arms to his sides like some kind of savior. Amy stood on one foot as she glanced around. "The war has begun you evil whore of Satan," he mocked Sookie as Amy snickered at that. "You vampires cast the first stone by killing my family. The lines have been drawn. You're either with us, or against us. We are prepared for Armageddon."

"Listen, we're sorry about your family and all-" Amy began as Steve chuckled, cutting her off so Amy let out a fuming breath that only Eric heard. He smirked slightly as he stared at Steve mockingly. Eric knew that if Amy wanted she's win a fight against Steve.

"Don't lecture me, you sinner," he said as he tilted his head to a side. "Do you need any more proof, people? Look at what these monsters have done to this helpless soul!"

Amy then laughed as Steve lost his smile and frowned angrily. "No vampire had ever hurt me in my life. Only humans did," Amy then turned back at people. "Only humans had beaten me, had tried to rape my friend and you all say only vampires are bad. We're all equally people! There's just the difference of who's good and bad!"

Eric felt proud of Amy's words because it was the truth. Even if vampires had an advantage of being stronger and way more charming that did not mean every single one of them were horrible.

carpe noctem // e.northman 1.Where stories live. Discover now