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ERIC WAS IN FANGTASIA AS HE, PAM AND CHOW FED ON LAFAYETTE IMMENSELY AS THE MAN GROANED FROM PAIN THE THREE VAMPIRES CAUSED HIM. His blood wasn't as good as Eric preferred but he didn't care, because he was hungry and the man had annoyed him too much.

Suddenly, Eric snapped his head up, his mouth and teeth bloody as Pam did the same. "What? You're full of this weirdly tasty human?" she asked, blood oozing down her chin as Eric stood straight and went to wipe his mouth.

"Stay here and keep him quiet. Amy's here," he snapped so Pam rolled her eyes as Chow continued to feed.

"Can you just kill that noisy mouth and be done with her?" Pam asked as she kept her fangs out, in want to feed more from an injured Lafayette.

Eric moved towards the door as he shot Pam a smirk. "I can't."

Eric then opened the door and met Amy who was standing in the middle of the bar with a frown. When she heard commotion she turned towards the sound to see Eric who looked different because he had cut his hair short. That made Amy feel warm in her chest as she smiled at him widely.

Amy herself looked different as Eric noticed that she had straightened her long hair which made her look beautiful. He had no idea why he was noticing such things. "Uu, a change," Amy chuckled, not knowing the real reason why he had to cut his hair short. A reason that concerned her friend she was worrying about.

Eric looked down at her calmly as her eyes shined in the dim light of Fangtasia. She looked impressed by his new hairdo. "It's the new me," he commented as Amy nodded her head and then frowned slightly.

"So... A whole two days passed and you still look... Rather sad," she mused as he was surprised how good she was at knowing his emotions even if they didn't spend so much time together. "The bar's closed. I shouldn't have come again, right?"

Eric could see disappointment in her voice because they both knew he was only milking this matter. And yet she wasn't giving up. Eric admired that in a human. "And yet you still came so stay, I guess," he mused before getting a little surprised that he let her stay.

Amy grinned then and put her bag on the bar before rummaging through it as Eric watched her with a sigh and joined her by the bar. Suddenly, Amy heard a yell and snapped her head up towards the office as Eric shut his eyes, annoyed that they would let Lafayette make sounds when he instructed them not to. "What was that?" Amy chuckled, oblivious to what was actually happening.

"Just Pam and her humans..." he trailed off with a nod so Amy took her computer out and put it on the bar before trying to open the screen with her casted hand. Eric grew impatient so he helped her open the screen so Amy thanked him cheerfully. "Show me the progress that you've made."

carpe noctem // e.northman 1.Where stories live. Discover now