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WHEN AMY WAS ONLY TWELVE SHE HAD A DREAM. Her father, of course, was against such nonsense and they fought. Every day he told her to stop writing and just study to become smart, smarter than he ever was.

Amy was only a young child, without a mother to console her so she ran to the nearest house where Adele would always welcome her with open arms.

Adele would have sat Amy down in the kitchen and handed her a cup of tea and some pie as Amy ranted how much she hated her father. "My sweet child," Adele would tell Amy. "You may hate him now but he's just doing his job. A bad one, I might say, but still. If he didn't care, he wouldn't fight for you."

"But why can't he listen to what I want? I don't want to learn math or latin! Who even knows latin these days!?" Amy would yell in irritation. "I want to write. Is that too much to ask?"

"Then write!" Adele would squeeze Amy's shoulder and smile. "If he's as smart as he thinks he is, he will understand."

Amy would think that what Adele told her would come true but unfortunately it never did. She was kicked out and he left her to mend for herself. Amy guessed that maybe even Adele was too kind to think her dad would change.

Amy was never upset because she had Tara, Sookie, Jason and Gran. But now Gran was murdered in cold blood so Amy felt like a piece of her got lost too.

She wore a black funeral dress with her hair down as she parked her Impala outside of Gran's house. Amy wiped her smudged lipstick because she still had to be presentable to the public that gathered in the house to pay their respects to the now late Adele.

Amy got out and entered the house with a sad facial expression. She searched for Sookie or Jason with her eyes but only saw people that weren't the Stackhouses. "Amy, child," Mrs. Fortenberry then approached Amy who only nodded her head. "Thank God you came. Sookie... That poor girl has lost it."

"Why? What happened?" Amy questioned in alarm as Arlene walked over to them too while shaking her head. "Is she alright?"

"Yes. Well, I don't know," Arlene scratched her head slightly as Amy somehow had an idea what happened because Mrs.Fortenberry and Arlene in one room meant nerves. "She's upstairs with Tara and Lafayette-"

Amy didn't listen to them anymore as she quickly made her way upstairs and straight into Sookie's room where she saw the blonde sitting on her bed with Tara and Lafayette by the sides.

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