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AMY WAS SURE SHE GOT HIGH ON PAINKILLERS. The girl had about four until the pain was bearable enough for her to walk. Sookie and even Jason pleaded her to just drink Bill's blood or go to the hospital but Amy said she didn't want to pay for even more medical bills and to drink Bill's blood was a no. The siblings had no idea why but Amy just changed into clean clothes and followed everyone to Godric's house where a welcome home party was held for him.

Amy wore a dark navy dress which covered her bruises as she stood by a fireplace, staring at Godric intently as people kept approaching him as he sat on an armchair.

Amy could see how sad Eric's maker was actually looking and wondered what must have happened to him.

A line of people stood in front of the oldest vampire in the house as Amy furrowed her eyebrows after seeing Jason stand there too. She had no idea what he wanted but she hoped it wasn't something stupid.

Amy watched Jason talk to Godric who seemed interested in whatever Sookie's brother had to say.

Jason then walked away and noticed Amy standing by the fireplace, looking lonely. She was grinning to herself so Jason smirked, fixed his hair slightly and walked over to her, trying to look as cool as possible. "Hello, beautiful," he mused with a smirk as Amy giggled and fully gave him her attention. "You sure you're okay?"

"I'm as fine as a pickle," she mused as she booped his nose so Jason chuckled as his eyes sparkled upon seeing a girl he had missed in those couple of days. "Just a little bit high."

Jason smirked widely as Amy looked away from him. The man gulped. He knew it was wrong of him to ask this, especially when she was on medicaments, but he wanted her.

Jason had always wanted Amy, but he didn't know that someone else was taking a slight interest in her. "Do you, uh... do you want to get out of here?" he asked with a suggestive tone.

Amy giggled with a wicked smile as it drove Jason mad. They didn't see Eric watching the whole interaction from nearby with a curious face. "I don't know..." Amy decided to play along as Jason inched closer to the girl who bit her lower lip. "I kind of like it here."

Jason put one hand on the wall besides her as he leaned closer to whisper. "I could make it better."

Eric narrowed his eyes, waiting for what Amy was going to say next, but she just laughed again, showing her dimpled smile that Eric liked. "Jason Stackhouse, just how much have you had to drink?" she asked in amusement as he pulled away slightly. "All of my ribs hurt, I sprained my ankle, my arm is still healing from being broken. How can you still find me attractive?"

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