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BILL LEFT WITH ERIC AND HIS GANG WHICH CAUSED SOOKIE TO BECOME UPSET. Amy felt sad for the girl but at least she wasn't lashing out anymore and even made up with Tara, for how long that meant.

The next day Amy was helping Sam prepare Merlotte's for Arlene's engagement party as she  stood by Sam who was on a chair, hanging lanterns up. She was lost in thought as Sam looked down at her. "Hey, you okay?" her friend questioned curiously causing Amy to snap out and nod with a smile.

Sookie was passing them so Sam suddenly frowned. "Sookie, could you reach me up another box of lanterns?"

She only glared his way causing Amy to feel like something had happened between them. "I'm kind of busy right now setting up your bar," she snapped as Terry went to help Sookie. "Thank you, Terry. You are so sweet and reliable. I always know what to expect from you. No nasty surprises."

Amy furrowed her eyebrows as she looked up at Sam to see him staring ahead of himself with a dull facial expression. "What happened?" she mused as she handed him another lantern before frowning at the color order he was doing.

"I don't wanna talk about it."

Amy groaned and nibbled his leg so he looked down at her tiredly. "I'm sorry, but you're a blabbering one. If I tell you, you'll just go to Sookie."

"Fair enough," Amy chuckled so Sam smiled and continued to work. She thought about Eric and where he took Bill and if the vampire was okay. She also wondered about not being able to sleep at night, thinking a killer would come and strangle her to death. "I think you should change the order."

Sam glanced down at her and shrugged. "Really? I think it's fine."

Amy shivered and then Arlene walked up to them. "Oh, Sam. These lanterns are just precious," she exclaimed excitedly as Sam smiled victoriously at Amy. "But they ought to alternate colors. Like boy-girl seating."

"Amen, sister," Amy chuckled and high-fived Arlene who giggled at her friend and neighbor.

Sam seemed confused and tired because he had already put a lot of work in. "But they're already in place."

Arlene scrunched her nose, already being picky as Amy smiled in amusement. She missed being with her friends because most of her time she either spent home or with Eric. "All right, Arlene," Sam sighed deeply and began to take the lanterns he had already put on off.

"Amy, don't you think they should hang in little scallops, like a gingerbread house?" Arlene then emphasized with her arms as Amy wasn't really fond of such placement but only nodded because it was hard to argue with what Arlene wanted. "It'll be more romantic that way, not like some hick barn dance."

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