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THE SAME DAY ERIC HAD ASKED HER TO GO BACK TO LOUISIANA TOGETHER. Amy agreed, much to Sookie's confusion, but Amy told her friend that Eric didn't want to be alone so Amy would fly with him to Fangtasia.

It was done and they all left Texas. Amy felt lonely since it was daytime when they came back to Shreveport as she opened the door of Fangtasia before keeping it open so a man working for Eric could bring in his coffin. "Right over there, yep," she mused with a smile as the man wheeled Eric's coffin towards the door.

Amy saw Ginger waiting by the bar with a nervous demeanor on her face. "Ginger!" Amy exclaimed from behind causing the glamoured woman to let out a shriek and jump back. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

Ginger stared at Amy with wide eyes before smiling sheepishly. "Oh my, Amy! Welcome back!" she exclaimed with a giggle so Amy smiled and put her belongings on the ground before looking around the empty club.

"It is nice to be back. I didn't think I'd miss this place," she mused in a good mood so Ginger took care of the rest as Amy sat by the bar, searching for her phone but she didn't find it. "Damn."

"What ya' lookin' for?" Ginger asked as she sat down next to Amy, who continued to rummage through her bag before groaning.

"I might have left my phone in Texas," she then sighed and turned to the older woman. "I wanted to call Sookie and ask whether they got home safe. I guess, I should just go back to Bon Temps and see for myself. Eric won't be up till evening."

Amy then began to stand up when Ginger suddenly grabbed her by the wrist roughly. Amy stopped and turned to the blonde woman, who was smirking. "You and Eric?" she then asked cheekily as Amy felt her heart beat loudly before she got out of Ginger's grip and sat back down.

"No," she mused with burning cheeks so Ginger laughed loudly. Amy glanced back at the closed door, where behind them Eric was resting. She remembered their connected hands and looked back at Ginger.

"Oh, good then," Ginger mused with a relieved laugh as Amy stared at her uneasily. "You see, I have been trying to get it on with Mr. Northman... Sure, it's going slowly, but I believe I'm almost there."

Amy wanted to yell at Eric for glamouring a poor woman like Ginger so many times because whenever Amy looked at Ginger, the woman's eyes seemed dull. Like there were no real emotion left.

The Brennan girl only hoped Eric would never glamour her. "Does this place has a phone?" Amy then questioned, a little scared to talk to Ginger further.

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