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SOOKIE WAS IN HER SMALL CAR AS THEY DROVE TOWARDS WHERE JASON AND HOYT HAD BEEN WORKING. Amy sat besides her as she squirmed in her seat and groaned. "I really think you should try taking Bill's blood," Sookie explained as they took a turn to see the worker's trucks with Jason and Hoyt leaning in the back. "You'll take a lot of time to heal and you need money."

"I have saved money, Sook, I'll be fine," she chuckled as Sookie parked the car but before getting out glanced at her best friend.

"Maybe I should give Uncle Bartlett's money to you."

"Oh, no!" Amy exclaimed as she opened the door but before she could get out Jason rushed towards her to help her get out. "Thank you, Jason."

"Atta girl," Jason wrapped his arm around her waist gently and helped the still healing girl get out as she smiled at the man who still pined over her. Just a little less now since he was a changed man.

Amy closed the door and then chuckled at Jason. "You can let go now," she winked so he released her from his hold as Sookie approached them. "I'll leave you two to talk."

Amy knew Sookie wanted to give the uncle's money to Jason and decided to leave the siblings alone as she approached Hoyt who smiled shyly. "Hey, handsome. How are you?" she asked cheekily as his cheeks began to burn.

The Brennan girl loved shy men like Hoyt and to tease him brought her amusement. "Um, g-good. Yeah," he nodded as Amy leaned against the back of Jason's truck next to Hoyt and nodded. "You-you look way better."

"Ah, yes, it's finally healing," Amy smiled gently as Hoyt stared at her for a moment before smiling. "What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger, eh?"

Amy noticed that Sookie was done with Jason as the male held an envelope with an excited facial expression so she patted Hoyt's back and stood straight to leave. "Always good talking to ya', Hoyt."


Amy grinned and turned to leave as she approached the siblings. "I gotta get to work. Amy, you're coming?" Sookie questioned Amy who passed Jason and nodded. "It's good to see you, Hoyt."

He only smiled so the girls got into the car as Sookie drove away. "Hoyt likes me," Amy mused confidently so Sookie shrugged. "He's pretty damn hot but so shy."

"Yeah, and don't forget about his mother," Sookie chuckled so Amy bit her lip and mused. "Will you go to Eric's tonight?"

Amy debated whether she should go but the fact that she always left with nothing drove her away. "Nah. Probably skip."

"Hell yes! I'll treat you to dinner."

Amy winked at her best friend as they dashed through the darkening streets of Bon Temps.

carpe noctem // e.northman 1.Where stories live. Discover now