Chapter 12

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We had been driving for hours only stopping to get gas and take bathroom breaks. The whole car ride was filled with an eerie silence. I didn't know how to look at Grayson anymore, he had just killed someone in front of me. 

It was a sight and feeling I can never ever forget, and I'm sure mentally I will never be the same. I guess this was my life now. Running and killing, it was a sick reality I wasn't sure I could accept yet. I can't even imagine what's going on in Amanda's head. I feel beyond guilty for dragging her into this situation. 

She did not deserve this life, nobody does for that matter. I ca-, I was cut off my my thoughts of Grayson speaking, "we're in New Mexico. Let's stop at the next gas station and get snacks and just take a break."

I must've dozed off we had driven over 12 hours to get to New Mexico. We all stayed silent humming in agreement. I was extremely hungry I looked at the clock to see a glowing 4:30AM. My gaze then shifted towards Grayson who was already looking at me. 

The cold look in his eyes I had seen earlier were replaced by something warm. Like almost a feeling or look of guilt, maybe even sadness. Both I didn't think a human like him could experience. My mind was still spinning over the fact that my high school sweetheart was now a murderer and gang member. 

I quickly looked away as the sound of a sigh filled the air. We pulled into a gas station as Grayson put the car in park. "Amanda stay with Ethan. Don't leave his side." Grayson said as Amanda mumbled an okay. We hadn't gotten to talk in twelve hours and I was really wanting to talk to her. 

We got out of the car as the air hit my face it took my breath away for a few seconds. It was freezing here compared to Los Angeles weather. I was shocked, isn't it supposed to be hot or something here? "Here." Grayson said taking off his sweatshirt tossing it towards me. 

"Thank you." I responded slipping the hoodie over my head keeping the hood up. It would probably be smart to keep the hood covering my face. The hoodie smelt like Grayson's house he had grown up in, the warm smell of comfort. The smell I had fallen in love with. 

Ethan and Amanda had already walken into the gas station and I was currently standing to Grayson outside of the station. "You have to talk to me Blue," Grayson started, "you can't just ignore me." I inhaled a deep breath contemplating the words I wanted to say. 

"I want to talk to you Gray. I really do, I just don't know what to say. It's not like I can just be like Hey Gray, what have you been up to these past few years? Killing people? Selling drugs? The usual?" I spoke as the words flew out of my mouth. 

Grayson stared at me for a few seconds, pausing before speaking, "I can't say that I'm perfect Blue. But, I can promise you I am not as bad as you think I am." My eyes widened, "Grayson you killed somebody in front of me!" I practically shouted back. Grayson grabbed me by the arm pulling me to the back of the gas station. 

"You can get my ass arrested Blue!" Grayson responded angrily, "I don't have to be protecting you right now Blue. You aren't the only one that had to leave their life for this shit. I could've seen what was happening and just let it happen and say that it was the least of my worries." 

I stared at Grayson with no more words left to say. "I'm getting food." I responded turning around walking towards the front of the gas station once more. I walked into the store going down the isles picking out food. They didn't have the healthiest options so I just decided to limit myself. 

I had grabbed a large Red Bull, since I was driving next along with a Monster Drink. Only God knows how long I'll be driving for. I grabbed a bag of chips along with a breakfast burrito and a few waters and candy. My eyes were caught on the reflection behind me walking towards me. My heart rate picked up when I realized it wasn't Ethan or Grayson. 

I quickly turned around and walked towards the counter where Grayson stood waiting for me. I placed my things on the counter as I whispered to Grayson, "blue shirt and black jeans. Behind me by the drinks." Grayson slowly turned around as my eyes watched his, they stopped assumably on the man. 

"Your total will be $10.89. Cash or credit?" The cashier asked as I just placed eleven dollars on the countertop. "Keep the change." I responded grabbing Grayson's hand pulling him out of the gas station. "I'm driving." I said reaching into his pocket to get the keys. I pulled them out as he glared at me. "Tease." He mumbled under his breath as my mouth gaped open. 

"Am not." I responded hitting him in the chest. He just let out a laugh as I got into the car starting it and pulling out. "Which way?" I asked as we approached a few new turn offs. "East. I'll tell you where to go." Grayson responded as I nodded my head. I drove for a few minutes in a comfortable silence with the radio playing quietly in the background. 

"I'm sorry for earlier." I spoke turning the radio off looking in the back seat to see both Ethan and Amanda sleeping. "It's okay. I should be apologizing for everything and explaining all of this." Grayson responded. I looked at Grayson who, again, was already looking at me. My heart rate increased, it felt like my heart was punching my rib cage. 

I looked back towards the road, "you can explain later if you want. I don't want to push you Gray, it's a lot." Grayson let out a frustrated huff, "I just went down a really really bad path. And I pulled you into it. I should never have left you B." My heart stopped beating for a second, he hadn't called me B since high-school. I smiled as he raised his eyebrows. 

"How is this funny or sweet Blue?" Grayson asked. "It's not either of those things. You just called me B that's it." I responded. "And?" Grayson shot back. "Easy there Gray. You haven't called me that since high school." I said letting out a little chuckle. "Oh shit you're right. I didn't mean to it was mindle-." 

I cut him off by saying, "it's okay. You can keep calling me that. Under one term." There were a few moments of silence followed by ,"and what's the term?" I stared straight ahead at the road for a few seconds then snapping my head towards Grayson, "you tell me where the hell we're going and what the plan is."


this was a pretty long chapter and i'm really proud of it. don't forget to tell me what you think of this chapter. i love reading your guys' comments it helps me as an author to keep going. and a big thank you to 2.4K reads on this book!! i love you all so so much

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