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you got out of the building and saw jennie in her car.

" you waited for me all that time? " you asked with a smile on your face.

" yeah, i was scared yugyeom would climb out of your shoes to hit you or something " jennie replied and you both laughed.

" your mood seems a lot better, how did it go? " jennie asked.

" i told him everything, and he comforted me " you replied with a smile on your face.

" i could see your face tomato headass, was he hot? " jennie asked excitedly.

" i don't knowwww " you said as you untied your ponytail and let your hair flow.

you saw the doctor coming down the stairs.

" that's him " you whispered.

" HE'S SO CUTE AND HANDSOME " jennie whispered-yelled.

the doctor came and approached the car.

" that's your best friend you told me about right? " he asked and you nodded.

" i'm free tomorrow, you can stop by and tell me more about your issues, also here's my number so you can give me full details on what happens with him everyday " taehyung said with a smile on his face while giving you a card that had his number on it.

" also call me taehyung " he said as he went back inside the building.

" awwwwwwwwww " jennie squealed.

" he's so sweet " jennie said and you looked at her then blushed.

jennie started her car and you both went to your house.

as soon as you entered the door you saw yugyeom in front of you.

he kissed your cheek then you closed the door.

" i missed you so much, do you wanna do anything tonight? " he asked.

you nodded obviously, you weren't ready to get hit.

you would always imagine him as a devil, he was one though..he would try to trick you by being all romantic, you already know his tricks but you would still listen to him because you're scared of him.

you thought about what taehyung said about calling the police, but you were scared to call them. you decided to talk about it with taehyung tomorrow.

you couldn't sleep, even though you were sleeping on a comfortable bed but having him beside you made you feel unsafe.

after a while it was time for your therapy so you went to taehyung's office while yugyeom left for his work.

" hi y/n " he greeted you, you smiled and sat in the chair in front of his.

" hi taehyung " you greeted him back, he smiled because you called him what he wanted you to call him.

" so how was your day yesterday " taehyung asked calmly.

" i felt pretty unsafe, he was being all romantic because it's not the weekend " you replied.

" you felt unsafe because you were beside him? " he asked.

you nodded, and he raised his eyebrow.

" it's crazy how he changes during the days, even in the time where he doesn't have girls over he can still hit me, i guess it depends on his mood " you said and taehyung let out a small laugh.

" he's actually crazy, someone that abuses a woman must have mental illness, especially because he changes how he treats you in a second " taehyung said while flipping his pen that he writes in his notebook with around.

" can i stay in your office? i'm scared to go home today because he usually hits me when he's back from work " you were actually lying because you wanted to stay with taehyung. you forgot that you told taehyung about how he's only angry at you for no reason on weekends.

" i have no problem with that, but what will you tell your boyfriend? " taehyung asked, he realized you were lying, he was smiling and tried to hide it by sipping his coffee.

" don't call him my boyfriend, i feel ashamed to be called his girlfriend, you can call him by his real name, yugyeom " taehyung nodded, he understood how you felt.

" yugyeom then, i feel like i've heard that name before " taehyung said.

" i feel like one of my friends told me about him, but i guess i'll have to find out " taehyung said while letting his hair down on his face, it was in a messy bun at first.

you blushed a bit because he looked adorable with messy hair and you tried to hide it.

" you can let your hair down too, i'm sure you have a headache from that ponytail " taehyung said and smiled.

you let your hair down and styled it in the way you always do when it's down.

" you look beautiful " he said softly.

you felt butterflies in your stomach..." there's no way you loved your own therapist " you thought to yourself, you felt like you weren't able to breathe.

" t-thank you " you stuttered and your face was so red, he looked into your eyes and bit his lip.

you talked for about 2 hours, then he started leaning over to you.

you gulped, he kissed the tip of your nose.

" i'm sorry " he apologized as he cringed at himself.

" no it's fine " you said calmly, " i didn't mind it at all "

you said as you felt like jumping out a window because of what you just said.

he smiled then said " shall we continue? " he asked as he bit his lip.

you nodded shyly.

he motioned to you to come closer to him, so you came and sat on his lap and he smiled at you cutely.

he kissed your nose again then went down to your mouth, as his hands were on your waist.

he managed to slip his tounge in, you didn't know how to tounge kiss because you've never tried, but he guided the way.

a few minutes later of pulling away to take your breathe then kissing you pulled away completely.

" we shouldn't be doing this " you said.

" it's fine, we won't do it if you don't feel comfortable " he said.

" i think i'll go now " you said awkwardly, your face was still so red.

" what about your boyfr- i mean yugyeom " he replied.

" that's the reason i can't be doing this, i'll explain next time " you said as you left the room.

taehyung nodded and sat back in his seat, you went home on foot, you didn't want to call jennie.

as soon as you stepped home you saw yugyeom with his hands crossed.

" you're late, slut " he said as he got closer to you.

he beat you up more than everytime.

yugyeom went to his room and closed the door, you took the chance so you left the house and went to taehyung's office.

he was thankfully still there, his fingers intertwined together.

" are you okay? " he ran to you as he saw your tears and beat up face.

" what did that asshole do to you? " taehyung asked angrily.

you couldn't talk, you threw your head inside his chest, you felt so comfortable being close to him, he just made you feel so safe.

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